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"Papas!"harry squeals jumping into Liam's big hurry arms. The older man chuckles holding the small boy close and tight, they haven't send each other in a while and missed each other deeply. "Harry wait forever to see papas!"

"Our flight was canceled. So we had to get another."Liam tells him setting the hybrid back on his feet so he can hug Zayn. "Where's lou?"Liam questions glancing round the beach house louis had rented out for all of them. It was just a little vacation for everyone closest Harry before the big surprise.

"Daddy take shower."Harry says pulling Zayn into the house by his hand. "Daddy say papas have room downstairs and help self to food."

Liam clears his throat, he's somewhat use to Harry calling louis daddy each and every time he talks about the man but sometimes it catches him off guard. Especially if he hasn't seen Harry in a while. Plus the boys neck is covered in hickies and he's limping a bit.

The only thing that distracts his papas from the obvious state of him being recently fucked it harrys growing baby bump. "Alright."Zayn coughs placing a gentle hand on Harry's stomach, "how's my grand child?"Zayn coos rubbing his hands over the bump.

"Doctor say baby good and healthy! Cause Harry eats lots of healthy food for baby and daddy make kitty exercise like doctor say."His papas hums glancing around the living room. It was quite big.

Harry suddenly stops, eyebrows furrowed cutely. "Where uncle ni ni?"

"Uh- his flight was canceled too. He's gonna come in a few days with a friend."

"Oh. Okay. Daddy not tell kitty that."Harry murmurs.

"I don't think Louis knows."Liam speaks up. Harry just nods his head continuing the small beach house tour even though it's just him dragging them around and giving his papas a minute to look around before they are dragged to a different room.

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