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Harry's horny and he tells calum exactly that as soon as he answers the call. Calum just stifles a laugh muttering an 'of course' cause when had harry not called him complaining about not having anyone to help his hornyness. Plus he's pregnant so it's worst.

"How do you even know luke?"Calum asks flopping on the bed and poking his tongue out at his daddy that watches him while trying to tie his tie. Harry huffs on the other line grabbing another pink pin to put in his curls that's become long.

"He on harry twitter lots."Harry explains. He's always noticed luke in his replies but never paid attention to him since yesterday cause he didn't know how hot the man was till now. Too bad Luke already has a hybrid named Micheal, Harry was quite disappointed when he read that. "Didn't know he was at kitty party!"

Calum chuckles, "Yeah. Like I said you were to busy ya know..."The other hybrid trails off awkwardly.

Harry lets out a 'hmph' sound, not wanting to remember the last time he and Lou's has sex. It'll only turn him on and he's suppose to be mad at louis. Matter of fact, it's been two weeks since Louis sent all those flowers and harry has yet to call him about going out. He has a right to be upset with Louis and will do so till he can't any longer.

"Anyways, you should totally come over! I haven't seen you in ages and I miss you."Calum pouts.

"Gots to ask papas."Harry tells him standing to his own feet carefully. His bump was huge and he was a tiny bit obsessed with it. "Kitty come today?"

"Yeah sure, Ashton is going to some meeting or whatever so it'll just be us and the maids. Come whenever. You can stay the night too!"The hybrid cheers.

"Okay. Kitty ask now."Harry walks down the hall where he know his papas are still sleeping after a long, long, night. They were at it for hours and harry barely got a wink of sleep but it's not lie he can complain to them anyways. His papas made up so that's good.

"Okay! Well I have to go back text me if they say yes!"

"Okay bye calum."Harry hangs up the phone and pushes his papas room door open. Both men are spread out on the bed completely naked and Harry's partly glad they have a blanket covering their private bits. The hybrid walks over to the door and taps zayns cheek causing the mans nose to wrinkle.

"What?"He moans out when he sees Harry standing above him.

"Kitty go to calums today?"Harry asks quietly not wanting to wake Liam. Zayn just yawns,

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

So that's how harry will spend his weekend. With his best friend and unexpected guest.

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