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@sunshinelou maybe Louis scared....like. Harry's only 16 and carrying his baby, Liam nor Zayn knew they were sleeping together, plus hybrids are really frowned upon! I just think louis freaked out at the moment and doesn't know how to talk the guys about it.

@tomlinsun I bet it's not even louis' baby to begin with. Hybrids are such whores. Harry threw himself at louis on MULTIPLE occasions and even made sure to be at louis house because he knew his heat was coming, yeah louis shouldn't have gave in but can you really blame him? Harry should of Fucking gone somewhere else.

@tomlinsonstyles are we forgetting louis had to actually fake a child?? And bloody everyone knew it was fake. Maybe he's scared everyone will say the same about his and harrys baby.

@bottomhaz idc what any one says. No matter the situation, louis shouldn't have abandoned harry, he's only sixteen. LOUIS HAS THE MONEY TO TAKE CARE OF HARRY AND THE BABY. he CHOSE to have sex with harry on multiple occasions. harry didn't force himself on louis at all, he doesn't know right from wrong just like Liam and Zayn said.

@bottomhaz being a hybrid myself, at the auction center we are TAUGHT to be sex slaves. To do anything our owners want and to never disobey. and if we never got a 'daddy' or whatever the fuck owners want to be called, we are failures and deserved to be raped and killed. Harry was TAUGHT to have a daddy not real fathers.

@bottomhaz so of course he assumed the only other man in his life (aside from niall) was his 'daddy' and wanted to please him. Just like harry told us, he got in his knees the first time he even met Louis and called him daddy. LIAM FUCKING KNEW HARRY THOUGHT LOUIS WAS HIS MATE. So it's his damn fault for keeping louis around harry and not talking to harry.

@bottomhaz he should of been checking Harry's phone too. He even followed both of harrys accounts so there's no excuse as to why he couldn't of known. They tried lying about Harry being hacked, Liam lied about not knowing harry and Louis were fucking. Simple. The only one who truly didn't know about louis and harry was Zayn. Case closed.


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