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"Harry, love,"Liam says quietly knocking his knuckles against the hybrids door. He could hear sniffling and shuffling from the inside. It breaks Liam's heart knowing how much harry is hurting right now. Unfortunately, harry was in love with Louis. Like head over heels. But then the older man abandoned him when he found out the hybrid was pregnant with his child.

"On-one sec papa!"Harry semi-yells with a cracked voice. He quickly shoves on some nice blue jeans and a white top to go with his white vans. "Kitty ready for school."Harry says as he opens the door.

"Alright then, let's get going."


"And see harry toys!"harry giggles to his new friend; calum. Calum was also a hybrid considering they both went to an all hybrid school (one of the best in London) "kitty gots lots of colors to."

"Uh huh."calum says. Harry was very.....talkative and cheery. It was practically beaming when he came into the classroom while the other hybrids looked miserable and some even scared. Plus, Harry talked extremely slow. "I have to ask my daddy if I can go."

Harry bites down on his bottom lip, "is calum daddy nice?"every single hybrid at this school had 'daddy's' or whatever their owners would let the hybrids call them. None of them had papas like harry, their daddy's were their owners and partners.

Calum nods his head excitedly, "the best daddy ever! We do loads of stuff together. We actually just came back from the Bahamas."harry tails curls around his waist, ears flattening. Calums to busy rambling about his perfect daddy to notice.

"Ha-harry no have daddy."the hybrid says quietly to himself. "Kitty old daddy left."calum stops speaking at that point. Eyebrows furrowed his eyes roam over harry then stop at his stomach, you can see a slight bump.

"Aren't you pregnant though? By your daddy?"

"Daddy leave after kitty tell daddy have baby."Harry informs him sadly. "Daddy back with girlfriend before harry he love harry."harry bites down on his bottom lip again, tail swishing sadly between his legs. "Do not on if daddy really love kitty though. Papa say daddy just take kitty goodies then leave."

Calum gives him a sympathetic look and pats the small hybrids shoulder. "You'll find a new daddy, I'll even help you get one!"


"That's mr.jules He's 58 so yeah you don't won't him to be your daddy, by the time your 25 he'll probably be dead."Calum says bluntly causing harry to gasp. "This is mr.jackson, He's really cute but kind of mean."they had the yearbook from their school laid out in front of them. It's was currently nap time but the two hybrids snuck off from the rest of their class, on a mission to find harry a new daddy.

"And finally, this is mr.tomsim."the man had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. He kind of resembled Louis aside from the blonde hair.

"Calum think he be harry new daddy?"the hybrid asks pointing to the picture. Calum shrugs him shoulder closing the yearbook. Suddenly, growing tired he rolls over to his back. He was to tired to walk to the nap room.

"Maybe. Your cute, he's cute. Match made in heaven."calum yawns. "Cuddles now!"He pulls Harry into his arms and the both of the tails wrap around each other, harry tucks his head into calums shoulder sighing deeply.

He just wanted a new daddy for himself and the baby.

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