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The next morning Harry wakes up to a full English breakfast and tons of flowers surrounding him along with all the presents from the party. He looks around confused for a minute, "pa-papa?"He says confusingly getting out of his pink bed-sheeted bed. Harry rubs tiredly at his eyes in balled fist, he then hears rummaging downstairs so he goes towards the noise to only seen more flowers surrounding the kitchen.

"Papa?"Harry calls out tail curling around his waist.

The flowers are suddenly being pushed out of the way, "Yes sweetheart?"Liam breathes out. He's shirtless and covered in pancake mix, "is everything okay?"

"Wh-what all this? Kitty confused."Harry replies eyeing all of the flowers. It was like all of the flowers that existed were in his room and kitchen. Liam gives him a small smile then walks away and returns with a small envelope. "What 'tis for papa?"

"It's for you."Liam answers.

Harry lets out a 'oh' then begins to tear the envelope apart. The pink envelope is left in shreds on the floor, harry plops down on the floor himself and stares at the white formal card he's holding. It's says; To harry.

He gives his papa another confused look before lifting the tab open to where a hand written note is.

Dear Harry,

I know you probably don't want nothing to do with me right now but I just wanted to apologize. Apologize for everything I've put you through since we've met. They way I have been treating you isn't okay no matter what you did, it's bad for your health and the baby. And I'm sorry. I never wanted us to end up like this.

When you wouldn't look at me or even let me touch you the other day made me realize how much of a dick I was being, Yes, i was hurt you cheated on me but that doesn't excuse me putting my hands on you when you clearly didn't want me too.

I've had a long talk with my mum. She talked to me about a lot of things, like how I should really treat you. These flowers aren't meant to buy back your forgiveness but to make you happy because I know how much you love flowers and I've done nothing but make you sad and stressed out so I hope you can make an endless supply of flower crowns with them!

Anyways, I just wanted to say I'm sorry and if you'd let me, I'd like to take you out whenever you're most comfortable with being with me. It's okay if you aren't.

Just let me know. I'll wait for you. Always.

'Sincelery' , louis.

Harry giggles at the ending with teary eyes. He sniffles and stand back up to his feet with the note dangling in his hands, "It from lou."Harry informs Liam who hums flipping another pancake, he knew that already, those flowers showed up at the house ass o'clock in the morning. "K-kitty can't see louis. Not right now."Harry replies sadly. Louis really did hurt him yesterday and he doesn't think he'll be able to to see the man without bursting into tears.

"That's okay Love. I'll let him know."Liam pushes and moves a bunch of the flowers off of the table so Harry can have a place to sit and eat. "How about you eat yeah? You had a long day yesterday and you need some food in that belly of yours."

Harry nods and makes his way over to the table.

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