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"Oh my fucking god."Zayn curses answering the call.

"How dare you papa! Kitty is sad and not even care!"Harry spits angrily into the phone ignoring Louis who pounded on the bedroom door begging for the hybrid to open it because he over reacted and he's sorry.

"Fuck fuck- Liam-"Zayn moans out the phone dropping to the bed. Liam was to drunk to realize Zayn was on the phone with their son. "Jesus Christ harry call later. I'm in the middle of something."

"No! Papas come get kitty right now. Stop make weird noise."

"Can I be fucked in peace? Oh my fucking god."Harry doesn't think he was meant to hear that because it sounded muffled and like Zayn was standing up from the bed where he was spread out.

"Hurry papa! Kitty no wait forever."

"Fucking harry. Always need some stupid shit goddamn it."Zayn spits angrily buttoning his jeans. "Maybe if he was getting pounded like me HE WOULDN'T BE CALLING. Jesus."Liam lazily finishes himself off.

"Always want something. Can't ever be dicked down in peace. I am suing that daddy of his for IMPROPER TREATMENT.."

Harry blinks with wide eyes.

"I just wanted some cock but do I get it?!? NO!"Zayn snatches up a shirt he's pretty sure is covered in cum. "Liam stop it! When I get back you will be fucking me again! Wake up payno and give me some damn Payne for once."

"This lovely doves fucking just ain't doing it for me. POUND ME. DO YOU HEAR WHAT IM SAYING?!?"


"Now I gotta pick up our SON because Louis is an idiot. I'm going to strangle him. Maybe I'll get fucked hard in jail after I KILL HIM."Zayn grabs the phone off the bed and his keys from the nightstand.

"Why kill kitty daddy?"Harry whimpers.

"Oh my fucking god! I didn't hang up FUCK."Zayn curses. "LIAM OUR SON HEARD ME WANTING TO GET FUC-"the line goes dead.

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