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"Hmm big cake for papa."Harry sing songs. He has recently been doing a lot of baking after he binged watched a baking show on YouTube. He isn't the greatest at it but he tries. "Need flour!"Harry hollers out to his other father. Zayn was currently the only home with him.

They were making a cake for Liam because he recently got a bigger and better record deal and tends to put out some new music in a week. He's already out right now doing an interview with some important person Harry forgot the name of, "pa' need flour for cake!"The hybrid doesn't mind the batter he gets on his cheek trying to multitask.

"One second Harry."

The boy huffs and carefully steps off his stool. He was only on it because Zayn wasn't in the room, he knows he's not allowed to be on it because it's dangerous. He was so far long that everyone became over protective of him. The baby would be coming any minute now.

As promised, Zayn enters the kitchen with a brand new bag of flour from post mates and a phone pressed to his ear. He's been on the phone a lot lately. Harry doesn't asks because his papas always tell him it's rude to ask questions like that when it's none of his business.

"Thanks pa'. Is lou still coming?"Zayn tries not to cringe at the new name Harry has assigned him.

"Yes. He should be here in an hour."

"Yay!"Harry cheers. He was so happy to make a cake for his papa, he isn't very good at baking or cooking so accomplishing something like this is great. He even added glitter for inside the cake when Zayn left the room for a kick second.

"Alright Haz, it's gotta bake now."His other papa informs him. The hybrid squeals when Zayn helps him off the stool and back onto the floor with a careful hand on his stomach. "Let's go to the living room so you can rest your little feet."



Hi it kity! How is al you day?!?

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@zaynpayne guuuud wbu

@niallnothoran so you can tweet but not answer my FaceTime call 😐

@princessharry can you follow me back already

@harryprincessstyles kity busy! Can no tlk on phone rn @niallnothoran

@niallnothoran ....BUSY?! how is a pregnant person....busy. ALL YOU DO IS SLEEP! ANSWER THE PHONE NEOWWWW. pls I'm bored 😔

@harryprincessstyles how to blck some1??

@niallnothoran .....I- I get no love from my friends. I'm literally driving to your house BYE.


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