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Louistomlinson liked @tomlinsun tweet

Ha I fucking knew it! Hybrids are sluts. Did y'all see the article about those two hybrids who drugged BEN & CASEY AFFLECK and tried to force themselves on to them? 👀

Louistomlinson liked @doncasterlou tweet

I've lost my faith in hybrids honestly lol it's unbelievable how many cases are going around about them trying to fuck random celebrities or pretending to have their kids.

Louistomlinson liked @tmhlou tweet

Petition to help Louis see that harry isn't where it's at. Look at his fucking past tweets about wanting to have sex with Zayn and Liam. Disgusting. WE NEED TO HELP LOUIS BEFORE HES IN TOO DEEP.

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@flowerstyles THIS IS PHOTOSHOP.

@uhhsam y'all I didn't like harry at first either but he really is a nice kid and means well. Y'all really need to understand where he came from, hybrids were treated and still are treated like shit. He doesn't know any better.

@uhhsam it's really disappointing louis would like a tweet like this and the others he liked. All of those so called cases about hybrids forcing themselves on people are shit. Those men and women drugged and raped those hybrids. But y'all chose to believe the white men. Bye.

@bottomhaz disappointed. Do better @louistomlinson

@stylestomlinson so....Larry?

@loustyles :((( omg all these tweets are lowkey shaming harry and hybrids in general. Wtf is Louis on. He's the one who preaches in interviews about respecting them!

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