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After harry meets louis parents he has to sit in a chair into front of everyone and so does Louis. They were about to reveal the gender of the baby and harry was bouncing off of his feet. He was so so happy even if he winced every time he walked.

Him and Louis still looked flustered, making it very obvious to the guest what they've recently been up too. The hybrid sighs watching everyone find their seats and get last minute drinks. He was still wondering why louis didn't kiss him or why he didn't clean him up like he usually does after they've had sex.

The hybrid pulls at the strings of his dress in boredom. (The cake was taking forever to come). It least for about a minute before he sees a familiar brown quiff and grey suit. Harry immediately jumps from his seat, "papa?!?"He screeches getting the attention of everyone. He didn't even think about it before he's jumping off of the small stage and into Liam's arms. Harry's to happy about finally seeing Liam he didn't even noticed he knocked over the woman holding the gender reveal cake.

The white cake falls onto the floor splattering to reveal the pink inside. "Papa! Kitty papa here!"Harry cheers happily in Liam's arms throwing his arms in the air while looking at all of the shocked guest. The cake lady scrambled to her feet apologizing as if it were her fault the cake fell.

"Uh..."Liam trails off awkwardly at all the eyes on them. He looks up to the stage where Louis is glaring daggers at him and harry with his hands clasped in front of himself. He stays unmoving whilst the cake lady and waiters try to clean up the mess. Harry is just giddy in his arms.

Zayn comes stumbling out of the back door second later, breathlessly at the site in front of him. "Oh no."He whispers to himself. Him and Louis make eye contact across the room and Zayn begins to sweat, they agreed liam wouldn't be invited no matter the situation but yet Zayn invited him. He even picked up Liam himself.

It was for harry he kept telling himself but deep down he knew a part of himself wanted to see Liam. Zayn wanted to fix what happened, yeah it fucking shattered him and he couldn't get out the bed for weeks but he still loved Liam to death and knew the man regretted all of it.

"Kitty papa here, kitty papa here."Harry sing songs wrapping his arms tightly around Liam neck to giggle into it. "Ooo! Papa, the cake almost here! It tell harry baby gen-gender!"

"It's a little to late for that."Niall chuckles under his breath then chugs the rest of his champagne.

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