Chapter Two: The Cliques

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"I trust your uniform fits well?" Miss Danvers asked, with a side glance at the full-figured girl.

Eden shuddered uncomfortably under her scrutinising gaze, desperately tugging down at her navy school skirt. She could feel her button-up shirt clinging to her torso like a second skin, hugging all the right curves. Discomfort crawled up the back of her throat, tantalising her. The two stepped out of the office, Eden pulling up her knee-length socks, hiding her sun-kissed skin.

"It is manageable, thank you." She curtly replied.

"As a reminder, your luggage is already set up in your room. Your father had us unpack everything and make it 'perfect' for your arrival." Eden met eyes with the annoyed woman. "Dr Crabblesnitch gave you your timetable earlier, so please attend your classes and explore the school but- return to your dorm before curfew."

The young school girl fished into her pocket, pulling out the neatly folded paper. "What time is curfew exactly?"

"11 pm. This curfew applies for out of school as well. If you are found out of your dormitory at that time, you will promptly be escorted back. Oh, Smith, Hopkins!" Miss Danvers beckoned hurriedly, calling out almost halfway across the school.

The two boys darted towards Dr Crabblesnitch's personal assistant, skidding to a halt. A hallway prefect lingered behind them, out of breath much alike they were, almost like the three of them had run a marathon. Eden raised an inquisitive eyebrow at them. 'Those are the guys from before.'

"Yeah, Danvers?" The short, stocky boy greeted, his eyes glaring daggers into Eden.

"Please tour Miss Milenko here, around the school and to her dorm. I have a man to please."

Without another word, the older woman turned on her heel and stalked back into the warmly lit office. If looks could kill, the secretary would be ten feet under the ground. Eden snarled like an enraged beast at her retreating back. The teenager disliked her from the moment she laid eyes on her. Dressed as a 1950's secretary, completely devoted to a man who doesn't look twice in her direction - it was pitiful to the young girl. 'How pathetic.'

"So, who are you?"

"Ah, my name is Eden Milenko." She focused her attention on the boys, tucking a stray curl behind her ear. "And you are?"

"Gary Smith, you new here?" The boy with the scar piped up.

"Yes, I just arrived here this morning."

"Ah, this prison is getting full pretty quickly. Jimmy boy here came about an hour before you did." He replied, slapping Jimmy on the back.

"Hands off, loser!" Jimmy hissed.

"I guess I'll be your tour guide around this dump. Let's head down to the cafeteria." Gary beckoned, already sprinting down a set of stairs.

The shorter boy trailed after him without another word. Eden glanced at their retreating figures, having no choice but to follow behind. Her nimble legs slinked along the school corridors and stairs, following the trail of mushy indescribable food and banana peels, as she met the two boys at the entrance. Eden strode into the lunchroom, her eyes scanning her foreign surroundings. There were four long tables, and students crowded around them, eating or chatting animatedly.

"Ah, feeding time at the zoo." Gary went on to explain the different cliques inside the school.

'Nerd, Preppies, Greaser and Jocks- scary. Very few people here look threatening.' Eden mused to herself. She turned her gaze to Gary Smith, as his hands waved around with every word he spoke. He was odd. He stumped her, she found him to be pretty interesting right off the bat. He was arrogant, an air of superiority surrounded him, shrouding him almost like a façade.

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