Chapter Thirty: Shop Class

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"Just turn already!" Eden hissed in a low tone, the words barely escaping through gritted teeth.

The harsh rays of the hanging lights in the auto shop shone down on the struggling girl, illuminating the clear sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead. Dust particles fluttered down and around the unkept classroom, which held the appearance more of a garage than a place of learning. Concrete flooring with thousands of little cracks covered the space, embellished with tire tread marks, and specks of dirt and gravel. Pegboards littered the walls full of tools, alongside rolls of orange extension cords and boxes of oils, greases and light fixtures. The auto shop was a classroom like no other. The scent of oil permeated the room, sinking into the student's clothing.

The noise of other students working on their bikes became background noise, along with the faint hum of some pop song on the radio. Eden's hands were covered in a layer of thick black dust, one gripping the handlebar of the bicycle, the other attached to a wrench that just would not turn. Her uniform was a dishevelled mess in complete disarray. The heat in the small workshop was borderline unbearable, strands of her chocolate curls sticking to her skin. Eden loved getting her hands dirty. She couldn't have signed up any faster when she saw Bullworth was offering the class. 

She straightened up her aching form and took a step back, leaning down on her scruffy workbench. With a shaky forearm, she wiped away a bead of sweat that trickled down her temple. A defeated sigh left her lips, slipping the wrench into her skirt pocket. 'I need to wash my hands, this stuff is stuck under my nails.' She abandoned her project for a while, striding over eagerly to the dented sink that sat in the corner of the classroom, oblivious to the eyes that watched her.

Johnny Vincent usually chose to stick to himself during shop class. It was his favourite class, one of the very few he actually bothered to attend. Although he despised the fact that there was at least one of every clique in the workshop, he enjoyed working around other people. The noise was comforting to him. The Nerds groaning when they couldn't turn an Allen key, the Preppies grumbling constantly about how their Aquaberry sweaters were soiled, and the Jocks humming along gleefully to the radio. Another comforting, calming noise filled his ears. The sound of running water. Careful not to hit his head, Johnny poked his head out from the car he was working on.

A pleased smirk slowly crawled across his curved lips, eyeing the girl up and down. Eden Milenko. He was surprised, shocked even when the voluptuous girl came striding into the workshop, her chocolate curls bouncing with every step she took. He could have sworn his heart skipped a beat the second he laid eyes on her. It would be a lie if he denied that Eden Milenko wasn't one fine prize. A chubby body, even more to love. Thighs, thick and sun-kissed, peering out from under long white socks. 'Damn, what I would give to make that chick mine... Nah, I can't be thinkin' any of that. I just got done with that slut Lola, I can't go makin' any moves on her.'

Jonny knew this full well and yet, he couldn't stop raking his eyes greedily over her, the silhouette of her body etching into his brain. 'What's not to love about her? She's beautiful, got brains, headstrong, and was nice to me even know she ain't ever met me before. Vance said she was Gary's girl but c'mon, I ain't believin' none of that talk. There's no way a loser like Gary could've scored her!' 

The sound of hushed sniggers interrupted the Greaser's daydreaming. Clinking tools, bashing against metal followed soon after. He glanced over with his captivating brown eyes at the source of the racket. His nose scrunched up, a bad taste growing on his tongue. The putrid sight of Tad Spencer was the last thing he wanted to see.

Tad was bent over, fiddling around at Eden's workstation and on her bike. He wielded in his hands a small hammer, smashing the metal framework of her bicycle, scattering deep dents along it. Johnny rolled his eyes, glancing back over at the sink. Eden was none the wiser, quietly humming with the radio as she strode back over to her station. She wiped her hands absentmindedly on her navy skirt, specks of dust fluttering off it.

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