Chapter Thirty-Seven: Twelve Days

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It had been twelve days. Twelve days since Jimmy had defeated Johnny Vincent and earned the respect of the Greaser clique. Twelves days since the majority of the Greasers and Preppies were either issued cautions for fighting or bribed their way out of it. Twelves days, since Johnny Vincent kissed Eden Milenko.

Ever since that fateful winter afternoon, the days grew warmer. The sunny reach of the glowing orb in the sky grew longer. Jack Frosts' wrath melted away, greeting spring with open arms, leaving dew dropped blades of grass and icy puddles scattered about. That's what Eden's mind had become. A puddle. As she lay in her bed, snuggled underneath her fine silk comforter, her mind was a jumbled mess. She couldn't, no matter how hard she tried, rid her mind of Johnny or their kiss.

It was exhilarating. It was comforting. It was soothing, fiery - not enough words in the English language would explain how the moment felt for Eden. One word did stand out, however. Wrong. Incredibly wrong. Guilt flooded her every time she and Johnny would accidentally meet eyes in shop class, or while walking around campus. Eden hadn't spoken a word to him since that day, she couldn't. She knew Johnny had feelings for her but she didn't know how she felt towards him.

The last thing Eden wanted to do was lead him on. Keeping her distance was her best bet. All she had to do was focus on her classes and on Gary Smith.

Her gaze flickered over to her boyfriend, who was sitting on her wooden desk, papers forming mountains behind him. He was his usual self, unknowing of what had transpired. His mouth was running like a finely tuned engine, spouting out his next big scheme. The words fell on deaf ears, Eden's eyes returning to stare at the blank ceiling instead. She couldn't block out Johnny Vincent, no matter how hard she tried.

"Eden you moron, did you hear a single word I just said?"

"Blah blah, scheming? Oh and blah blah, you're a mastermind?" She replied cheekily, throwing a wink over to her grinning boyfriend.

"Geez, aren't I glad to have such an amazing and attentive girlfriend?" He retorted sarcastically, scooting his chair close to the bed.

"Mm, that you do." She hummed in a sleepy tone. 

Gary reached forward, entangling his long fingers within her wild curls. The couple had fallen into a serene silence, wordlessly staring intently into each other's eyes. Eden loved him and loved what they had, to the point where it was impossible for her to even begin to explain her complex emotions. No matter how much her parents drilled the poker face methodology into her brain, she was pliable around Gary. He saw through her.

Eden raised her hand in a single fluid motion, as though she were an elegant swan perched up on a riverbed. She gently caressed his cheek, his skin as soft as red-seeded dandelions underneath the pad of her thumb. A soft smile spread across his luscious lips. He moved into her touch, planting a gentle kiss on her thumb.

The sun's radiant afternoon rays streamed through the leaf-shaped window pane like golden ribbons, streaming across the pristine floorboards and gliding upon the couple's languid bodies. The ribbons twirled around them, embracing them in a warm, tight hug, as they welcomed summer with open arms.

"You look like an angel with the sun hits you," Gary murmured dreamily, making note of how the magnificent streams of sunlight created an angelic halo around her mane of hair.

Her mind couldn't help but flicker back to Johnny's comment back at the junkyard. 'He really said he thought I was an angel when we first met... how cheesy.' She pushed the thought away, a cheery giggle bubbling up from her throat, at his corny words.

"Oh? What happened to calling me moron?"

"You're never losing that nickname, that's for sure." Reluctantly, he untangled himself from her strawberry-scented curls. "Now, tell me what you're thinking about."

She tilted her head to the side in confusion, blinking blankly up at her boyfriend, who slid his hand into hers. "I'm not thinking about anything."

"Don't lie to me, idiot. I've been with you long enough to know how you act."

"Oh, is that so? Eden scoffed, squeezing his hand challengingly. "Pretty rich coming from the man who, only just yesterday, realised what nationality I was.

"How am I meant to know what country 'Milenko' is from?"

Her blank stare returned. "How could you not know?"

"Listen moron, we live in New England. Bullworth is sheltered. How was I meant to guess that you're Russian."

"Pridurok." She murmured, facepalming herself.

Eyeing his awe-striking girlfriend, Gary fell silent, staring intently at her. As though hidden behind that mysterious swirl of emerald and shamrock tones that lay in her eyes. They were like summer leaves kissed by the sunlight, like evergreens deep in the forest at night. Full of life, yet... disheartened. 

Gary knew something had happened twelve days ago, the fateful day the Greasers fought the Preppies in an all-out rumble. And he believed, Johnny Vincent had something to do with it. Whenever he mentioned the Greaser's name, Eden's head would instantly snap up and look around, almost like he was in the room with them.

"Why don't you go outside for a bit? You've barely gone out since the rumble."

The once soft fingertips that caressed his jawline dropped, a lifeless arm planting itself on her silk covers. Eden shook her head, silken chocolate curls fanning across her pillow.

"Why not?"

"Trying to get rid of me, are we?"


She looked away. "I just don't want to deal with everything that's going on. It's annoying."

Gary frowned, raising a curious eyebrow. "A walk wouldn't kill you."

A deep groan escaped her lips in a flutter, as she reluctantly swung her heavy feet off the bed, rubbing crusty remnants of sleep from her eyes. The sun's dazzling rays were inviting, flowing through the window. They soaked her in a comforting warmth, beckoning her outside. The corner of Gary's lips tipped upwards, grinning widely at the beautiful girl before him. Eden smiled lazily back at him.

He hauled himself to his feet, plucking her off the bed.

"You amaze me, Eden." His dark voice whispered into her ear, shooting a sweet shudder down her spine.

Arms coiled around her waist, pulling her in tight until her entire body length was pressed flush against his muscular frame. Gary grabbed her jaw and forced her to look up at him, his hot skin almost scalding her with every touch, with every brush. He leaned down, lips brushing against hers like the ghostly touch of butterfly wings. Eden lifted herself up on her toes and their lips finally meet. Her lips are soft, but there is a hard desperation hidden behind them. A need. A plead. The kiss was speaking, begging. She needed to forget.

Gary's hands dived down her back, slipping under her nightgown, nimble fingers leaving searing hot trails down her tanned skin. A sigh floated from her lips, a soft mewl. She needed more. He was more than happy to give it to her. 

His tongue slipped past her lips, gentle but demanding. The little action made Eden feel as though she was melting away within his tender grasp, like a winter puddle. Her fingers gripped his hair, tugging him in closer.

Johnny. His face flickered in her mind.

'No. I need to stop thinking about him. It was a mistake, what happened. I love Gary. Whatever happened, happened.'


Pridurok = Moron in Russian.

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