Chapter Forty-Four: Shades of Blue and Borscht

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The school bell blared horrendously through the blown-out speakers. Finally, the last period of the day had ended. Rows of lockers stood proud in the hallway, creaking open and closed as students packed away their books. The tell-tale odour of bleach and freshly squeezed lemon wafted through the air, a slick layer of cleaning solution gleaming off the freshly mopped tiles. Loafers and finely polished Mary janes squeaked as students trampled on through, eager to grab a bite to eat or sleep the rest of the day away.

Eden stretched out her aching muscles as she glanced over at the tired boy beside her. Jimmy Hopkins was in a complete daze. Dull chestnut eyes were hooded, black bags hanging from underneath. Two minutes had passed since the bell had rung. The art classroom was empty, minus for themselves and Ms Phillips. 

Staggering to his feet, Jimmy threw down his art supplies. She reached out, hastily grabbing the paintbrush in his grip.

"Go get some sleep, I'll clean up," Eden ordered, packing away the acrylic paints.

"Nah it's cool, I can do it." He croaked out, stifling a yawn.

"Jimmy, you look like a complete wreck. You need some rest."

The stocky teenager murmured a response under his breath, before waving his hand dismissively. His form was hunched over as he staggered towards the door. Eden giggled, watching with amusement as Jimmy bumped his head under the doorway.

"Shut up." A mumble left his lips, rubbing the new bruise forming.

Without another word, he escaped the art classroom. It was just Eden and Ms Phillips. The tall teenager's eyes flickered over to her teacher, who was studying a painting of a monkey done by Ted. She brought herself to her feet, shuffling over to her.

"Excuse me, Ms Phillips. May I speak with you?" 

"Huh? Oh yes, of course, Eden." The teacher responded, her trained eyes never leaving the painting on the easel.

A small, distant creak resounded throughout the minuscule room. Eden glanced over her shoulder inconspicuously. A wicked grin crossed her lips as Gary came into her vision. He flashed her a small thumbs-up as he crawled along the floor.

"I was hoping you would be able to give me some feedback on my painting?"

"My dear, I was absolutely in love with it!" Ms Phillips straightened her form, scuttling over to Eden's easel. "Absolutely in love!"

"How so, if I may ask?"

She hummed in thought, eyes trickling all over the art piece. "It speaks to me in such, loud volumes. Magnificent tones of blue and green in the background, which invokes calmness. A sense of serenity. Much like yourself in a way."

"...I see."

"However, here." The teacher's nimble fingers traced down her work. "There are streaks of red and purple. Violent. Desperate. Like claws, scratching through the piece. Almost like something is trying to escape, crying out. As though, you're in a great deal of pain."

Eden was paralysed where she stood, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Her pulse beat away in her eardrums, drowning out all other sounds. It stunned her. How could Ms Phillips guess all that, just from a simple painting? Anxiety washed over her, raising even the fine little curls on the back of her neck. Uneasiness twist and turned away in her stomach.

Her gaze flickered back over to Gary, to see him sneakily snatching Jimmy's camera off its hook. He held it up for her to see, slyly hiding before a desk.

"Is there something happening in your personal life, Eden? Anything you'd like to share?" Ms Phillips questioned, heartfelt concern clear in her pecan eyes.

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