Chapter Four: Rich Kids

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"And then father said, 'that's what the help gets!'" A slender boy let out a cynical chuckle, his frame shaking with laughter at his words.

A group of four boys sat comfortably at the long oak dining table, sipping glasses of fine champagne, and laughing at the expense of others. The fireplace at the end of the table brought a dancing glow into the heart of Harrington House. A fiery phoenix danced confidently in the gold flames, embers floating into the air with the quiet crackling of wood. The dining room was extravagant, to say the least. Filled to the brim and wall to wall with finely shined trophies, medals and paintings framed elegantly in richly chased gold. The Preppies of the Harrington House saw no expense too much when it came to galivanting their parent's wealth.

"Oh Tad, your father sure knows how to put the poor in their place." Gord chortled snidely, taking another swig from his champagne flute.

"Bif, you haven't even had a sip of your drink, what's the matter?" Parker questioned, patting the muscular boy on the back.

The ginger-haired boy blinked a couple of times, snapping out of his trance. He waved off his friend's worried gazes dismissively. Despite this, he stared longingly down at the golden, bubbly liquid.

"Come on old chap, what's wrong?" Tad pressed further.

"Just mulling over something my father told me." He explained, ruffling his red-haired mane. "Have you chaps heard of a girl called Eden Milenko?

"Ah, you mean the new girl, right?" Gord inquired, swirling around the liquor in his flute. "I have a few classes with her."

Bif's eyes shimmered with interest, his ears perking up as he leaned across the table. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"What's she like?"

"Hm..." He cleared his throat, patting down his fine-pressed Aquaberry sweater. "She isn't old money, now that's for sure. Her parents are incredibly rich, nouveau riche. For some reason, she hangs around with that Jimmy kid and that sociopath Gary Smith."

"Nouveau riche, hm?" Bif rubbed his chin in deep thought, his juniper eyes swimming deep in thought.

"I've seen her walking around and I'll admit, she's pretty damn attractive! Kinda fat but a few gym classes will take those pounds straight off her!" Tad slurred out, with a few hiccups.

Gord plucked the champagne flute from his hands, tutting disdainfully at his friend. "You were never one to hold your liquor, Parker."

"I wish she was my cousin, Father would definitely approve then." With a loud bang on the table, Tad took a little nap.

The trio shook their heads at their fallen friend, before turning their attention back to Bif.

"I've never seen you like this before Bif. Why are you asking these questions?" Parker continued curiously.

"Father knows her mother and wants me to get closer to her. Talk to her, you know, get to know her." Bif drawled out a tired sigh, reclining in his chair. "As you said, her parents are quite wealthy. Maybe more so than Derby Harrington himself."

"Impossible!" Gordon gasped out, a drop of his champagne falling onto the pristine floorboards.

It was almost pure blasphemy to even fathom such an idea, that someone was richer than their leader.

"I'm going to have to find out, now aren't I?"


A week had passed, and steamy summer days were upon the students at Bullworth Academy. Summer days open as a letter of a lover, warm words of light radiating onto welcoming skin. The leaves surrounding the academy were dark green and luscious, fully opened towards the sunlight and breathing in the hot aromatic air. Eden skipped down her dorm steps, a pleased smile ever so present on her plump rosy lips. She skipped towards the boy's dorm, her eyes already spotting her friends playing around.

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