Chapter Forty: Love is a Curious Thing

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The room was deadly silent, a quiet that was ear-deafening. It was too quiet, a hollow void. It was too loud, reminiscing white noise in the small confinement of Eden's room. She couldn't tell what was louder, the silence, her ragged breaths or her heartbeat. The air was thick with sin, the sin the teenager had committed. Or rather, let Johnny commit against her. Her mind was running a million miles a second, refusing to prolong her suffering for another minute longer.

Gary watched her, confusion evident on his fatigue-ridden features. Many sleepless nights left his vision blurry, but even through the haze, he could see the worry spread across her face. He threw the textbook off his lap and jumped off their bed. Gary approached her slowly and cautiously, as though a single out of place movement would send her hurtling out the window.

"What do you want to talk about, princess?" He asked hesitantly, a few steps away from her.


She peered up, emerald eyes scanning for a reaction. And she got one. Gary's expression contorted to one of smoulder anger, an irritated sigh leaving his lips in the form of a loud huff. He nodded wordlessly, motioning for her to continue.

"Johnny likes me."

He blinked once. He blinked a second time. Then, a third. The words she uttered out were barely audible, and he struggled to process them. Once they did, Gary threw his head back, his usual deep chuckle bubbling up from his throat.

"Come on Eden, that's old news to me. I already knew that." He wiped a fake tear from his eye as if Eden had just told him the most hilarious joke. "I told you, didn't I? He has the hots for my little moron."

"He kissed me."

The words escaped in a hushed whisper. Three oh-so-simple words, that sent him descending down into a fit of rage. Incomprehensible anger flared across his face, chocolate eyes wide and manic. He searched Eden's eyes desperately for a sign, any kind of sign to say that this was all just a bad joke. A horrible prank she was pulling.

She shook her head, complete helplessness converting into tears spilling down her reddened cheeks. Gary muttered words under his breath, curses and swears heavy with resentment that would make even a sailor blush. He was quivering with rage. The tangible fury within him sent him wild. He stumbled back, staggering away from her. Just to stand a few steps away from her, was unbearable. Being in this room with her, suffocated him.

Gary's pulse was racing and he breathed heavily, as though the air had become too thick to inhale. Muscles tense, he straightened his back. He lurched back, nearing her neatly organised desk. With a sickening crack, he slammed his fists against the wood. Splinters spat out, a groan coming from the antique piece from the pure force of Gary's fist.

Eden's blurry eyes fluttered shut and she covered her ears, waiting for his fit to end. There was no wind-up period nor was there any warning. Just violent, immediate explosions bursting from him. The sounds were horrific in her ears. Smashing, crashing and slamming - it was too much for her to handle. She couldn't escape. 

An involuntary whimper escaped her lips, deep emotions whirling within her with no other outlet than to rain down her cheeks. Eden sunk to the ground on her knees, unable to keep herself standing. She shook, like a leaf stuck in the middle of a tornado.

'I'm such a screw-up. I'm so stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Mother was right, I am nothing. Gary would be better off without me, I only make his life worse. I'm nothing more than a liability. He's breaking everything in sight, hurting himself because of me. All because of me, and my stupidity.'

Eden had no clue how long it had been. It could have been a couple of seconds, a few minutes or even an hour. The noises had died down. She failed to realise in her hot torrents of grief, she had muttered her innermost thoughts out in a hoarse voice. Gary heard. And that only made him angrier. Scratches marred his pale knuckles, merlot stains of blood stark in contrast. They trembled violently while he struggled to get a grip on himself. He had to.

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