Chapter Fifty-Five: Anguish

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"Are you sure you don't wanna spend the night with me?" Mandy asked, again.

This was, what Eden had estimated, as the hundredth or so time Mandy had asked that question. Eden found it endearing just how much her friend cared for her. During their walk over to their dormitory, Mandy locked arms with her, her good arm of course. Every time she hissed in pain, a thousand 'are you okays' and 'do you want me to get Ted to carry you' came bubbling out.

"Mandy, I'm fine," Eden reassured despite bowing her head.


She fell silent for a moment, eyes darting down to glare at the taffy pink carpet that squished beneath her soaked sneakers. Was she fine? Her shoulder throbbed hauntingly. Nimble fingers scaled up her arm, tenderly skimming her new sling.

"I will be."

The head cheerleader didn't seem too pleased with her answer. "Eden..."

"I just want to change out of these clothes and get some rest." Raising her chin, a watery smile lingered on her lips.

Mandy sighed, shoulders slumped. "Fine, fine, fine... but, you know where to find me if you need anything, right?"

"Mandy." Eden reached out and rubbed her arm comfortingly. "Please, go and get some sleep. I wasn't the only one that was hurt today."

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"You will. Thank you again, for everything."

A beaming smile spread over her lips, eyes glinting with a spark of playfulness. "Just remember this the next time I need a favour from you!"

'I have no doubt that that favour will involve having to do her homework. Oh well, it's better if I do it rather than Beatrice being bullied into it.' She let out a sigh, watching as Mandy stumbled down the hallway to her room. 

Eden turned to face her bedroom door, weary eyes scanning the wooden frame. She rested her forehead against the door and drew in a long breath. Slipping into her pocket, she pulled out an undamaged key card. 'At least this didn't get ruined. Maybe a bit waterlogged at best.'

Continuing the usual routine of lodging the card in until a click sounded, she did so with trembling fingers. The door let out a squeak as it winded open. Eden staggered into her room, a burst of warmth washing over her. Her good hand slithered behind her back, locking the door.

Gary Smith's wide eyes fastened to her immediately. They scanned her pale face, then her drenched uniform before flying back up to her arm, bandaged from the shoulder to her forearm and strapped securely in a sling. He was hunched over their desk, pen hovering, frozen in midair, over the book he was writing it. It dropped with a clatter. As did his jaw. The sociopath jumped to his feet like a prowling lion before sprinting over to his girlfriend, fingers aching to reach out and touch her.

"W-what... what the hell happened?"

"The..." Eden words were a soft whisper, hanging her head as she spoke. "The gym was set on fire. The guy who did it kicked me into the pool. I fell and dislocated my shoulder."

Gary's hands squeezed into fists, knuckles pale from how hard he was clenching them, as his body shook with fury. "I..."

"It doesn't need surgery." She waved her hand dismissively, stumbling past him over to her closet. "Nurse McRae put my arm in a sling just to keep it still. It'll be off in a week and I'll be fully healed in about six."

"I did it."

Eden fished through her wardrobe in search of her pyjamas. "What did you do?"

"I... the fire, I did it."

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