Chapter Thirty-Three: Scars

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Gary's hungry eyes devoured Eden's exposed body, his mouth suddenly growing dry. His fingers tingled with a need to trace down the nape of her neck, along her spine to the adorable little dip in the small of her back. He ached for her, he was desperate for her touch. All he wanted to do was hold the beautiful girl before him in his arms, and show her just how much he loved her. 'I knew Eden would here, her towel was missing. Thank God it wasn't anyone else, I can just imagine the fit Peabody would have thrown. I wouldn't have a shot at being Head Boy if that happened.'

"Eden hey, turn around." He beckoned with a hearty chuckle, watching his girlfriend shyly wrap her arms around her body. "What are you covering up for, moron? It's just me."

"Unappealing." She squeaked out.


"This is unappealing." Her nails dug into her thick skin as she spoke.

Gary rolled his eyes at her, resisting the urge to kiss her speechless. "No, moron. It's the complete opposite. You're stunning."

She shook her head wordlessly, making his eyebrows furrow deeper.

"If you don't trust me, it's fine."

"It's not that." She hastily murmured, her voice barely heard above the running water. "I trust you, Gary. It's just... growing up, I was surrounded by people praising me, telling me I was beautiful. My dad would always gush over how I would find a lucky man one day."

A please smile grew on Gary's lips at this, as he nodded along to her words. 'She has. I am lucky.'

"Then, there was my mother, who did everything she could to make sure I was pretty. She saw it her life mission, to find me a suitor. Ten step beauty routines, facials every other day of the week - it was exhausting but it was worth it. I barely have any acne. But still, she littered my body in scars."

Gary's fists were as white as snow, as he clenched and unclenched them. "How?"

His eyes fell down her back once more, her fingertips peeling off her sides. Silvery scars covered her tanned skin in varying shapes and sizes.

"She..." Her head drooped. "She punished me. She scarred me. And now, so has Bif."

Eden's fingers slithered up to her shoulder, a few dark pink scars marring the tender skin. It was clear she was unwilling to talk anymore about this. Gary was a seething mess, the mere mumble of Bif's name leaving her lips sparked a violent rage within him. It was a savage beast, clawing at within its confined cage. 

She peered over her shoulder hesitantly, a solemn expression across her fine features. It ached Gary's heart to see her like this. Even more so, it made him regret the argument they had yesterday. He needed Eden, in his arms. He reached up behind him and tugged down the shamrock coloured towel.

"Arms up, moron."

Eden hesitantly obliged without uttering a single word, slowly raising her shaky arms. Gary wrapped the towel around her bare body, his hands gently gliding and skimming against her scorching skin. She reached down, holding the towel tightly against herself. The cotton towel immediately clung to her body like a glove, as it too became drenched in water. Eden slowly spun around to face her boyfriend. He had a boyish grin across his lip.

Her head was held high, a cerise blush glowing on her cheeks. 'Don't look down Eden, do not look down!'

"I have my boxers on, idiot, don't worry. Besides, I don't think you could handle seeing that." He teased, puffing out his chest almost pridefully.

Eden rolled her eyes playfully but, couldn't stop her wandering eyes from sailing down his perfectly sculpted body. Water droplets trickled from his drenched coffee locks, streaming down his body. He was definitely one of God's favourites. It was as though he was handmade, every little scar and crease in his body aching to be touched. Greedy emerald eyes trailed down further stopping just shy of his v-line, where white boxers hung dangerously low on his hips. Clearing her throat shyly, her blush increased tenfold and she looked away. 'He is such an idiot, his boxers are see-through!'

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