Chapter Five: The Witch

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Eden let an exasperated sigh flutter from her lips as she reclined comfortably in her chair. The obnoxious chatter and deafening laughter was ear piercing and after fifteen minutes - was already giving her a headache. The classroom was her salvation. A sanctuary where her brain was able to freely function, where her stride grows longer in confidence. A place where Eden could truly be herself, challenge herself, and strive to improve herself.

Her eyes scanned the unpleasant room. The walls were bare, save for a few posters and a world map. It looked like someone had given up. The room was illuminated with streams of golden rays slipping through the large windows, the unsubdued light of the morning warming up the room. The blue sky peered in, almost beckoning the students to come outside, and bask in its mellow glow. Eden's eyes averted to the plainly intoxicated teacher at the front of the classroom, whose drinking habit had clearly taken its toll on the middle-aged man. Mr Galloway's gaunt face, usually lean and haggard, had conformed to one of relaxation as he snored peacefully on his desk. He dressed plainly and boringly, looking as inspired as a used teabag.

The teenager glanced over her shoulder at Jimmy, who had his feet up on the desk. He instantly noticed her worried, almost uncomfortable expression marring her face. He absentmindedly stopped folding his paper plane.

"Don't worry, it's usually like this. He's one of the nicest teachers in this dump... when he's awake."

"That's very reassuring."

A buzz in her pocket drew her attention away from her friend and she fished the vibrating object out of her pocket. Her phone screen lit up her finely sculpted figures. Her dad was calling her.

"I'll be back." She murmured in a hushed tone, Jimmy waving her off.

Eden was practically bouncing out of the energetic classroom. The moment she stepped out into the desolate hallway, she was greeted by a prefect. His stern features immediately flared up at the sight of her.

"What are you doing out of class, young lady?" He hollered, his finger a few centimetres from her face.

"Seth..." She began agitatedly, swatting his hand out of her face. "My father is calling, it's a business call. Turn around, and walk away."

Eden held up her phone, still buzzing away in her hand. Seth's face paled a considerable amount. The realisation hit him like a train of who he was just speaking to. It was easy to forget that Eden was that daughter of the extravagant Milenko family, the legendary poker face family. Her navy school uniform could lead anyone to believe she was just another ordinary student. However, Eden Milenko and the word 'ordinary', simply do not belong in the same sentence. She watched with stern eyes as Seth strode away, his head held high with dignity.

"Hello, father."

"Good morning Eden, how has Bullworth Academy been treating you thus far?" His smooth voice flowed through the phone.

It comforted her, more than she could ever put into words. "It's... pleasant I suppose. Could be better, could be worse."

"That's a given at any school. And your classes, how are they?"

"Perfect, I am keeping my grades up."

"Excellent Eden, excellent. I truly couldn't have asked for a more hard-working daughter." Eden couldn't help but grin, giggling softly at his adoration.

"You sound like you're in high spirits, dad. How is mother?"

"Ugh. She is... well, she's your mother. She's pleasant, I suppose."

Ivan slipped out another tired groan, clearing his throat. Eden could just imagine her father seated at his fine mahogany desk, phone in hand and rubbing his temples.

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