Chapter Sixty-Four: Only the Beginning

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Eden lay motionless on her bed atop her taffy silk covers, staring straight up at the ceiling. Her dim eyes studied it as though it was a priceless artwork, her emerald orbs trailing over the slight pale yellow discolouration and peeling. She knew absolute chaos was erupting outside judging by the screams, hollers and cheers of her fellow Bullworth Academy students piercing her ears. She felt deaf, completely separated from society, almost as if she was in another realm entirely. A heavy sigh left her lips but yet, the pressure on her chest refused to waver even in the slightest. Sharp icy daggers stabbed into her lungs, pain and nauseous waves shooting up her throat. A pained hiss slipped through her gritted teeth, her jittery hands undoing her Bullworth collar button.

She did not want to move. She just wanted to spend the rest of the day in her bed but she knew at this so dubbed 'hellhole', peace and quiet was not easy to come by. Almost as if fate decided to play a cruel joke on her, a booming knock came at her door. Eden's eyes flickered over at the cherry oak door and she blinked blankly at it, feeling not an inch of strength present in her body. 'Please just go away.' The knock came again, a thunderous noise that shook the teenager's core.

"One sec," Her weak voice came out in a croak, the knocking finally coming to an end.

Eden hauled herself up to her unsteady feet and shuffled over to the door, her Adidas sneakers squeaking irritatingly against the pristine floorboards. She grasped the doorframe, the room around her spinning in spirals and mashing together in dull clumps of dark colours. She unlocked the door with a quiet click and it slowly opened with a piercing creak. There was Johnny Vincent, standing right at her door.

"Johnny? What are you...?" Her words died mid-sentence, feeling another wave of nausea hit her at full force. "... Doing here?"

His eyes bore into the fatigue ridden girl, scanning her haggard expression. "You ain't lookin' too good,"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," She lied, running her fingers through her hair.

He peered over her deflated shoulders, eyeing out her room. "What the hell happened in here?"

She too turned around, cursing herself mentally for not cleaning up after her panic attack yesterday. Papers, books and pens were scattered all over her pristine floorboards which had some slight cracks in them, particularly near the fallen wooden chair. 'I had to find some way to let my emotions out...'

"Long story, now why are you here?"

"Well, uh..." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Us Greasers are takin' over this joint so, you gotta go."

She blinked blankly at him, clearly in no mood to deal with this drama, especially because she was still recovering from her explosive panic attack. "Please tell me you're joking,"

He raised an eyebrow at her, curious at her seemingly blank reaction. "I ain't. This whole school is goin' haywire and all the factions are takin' over a section of this hellhole, so you better get outta here,"

"Johnny, you can't do this," Her eyes narrowed at the tall Greaser, irritation and worry seeping into her core. "The police, what if they show up?"

Johnny was clearly not afraid of the law, judging by his careless shrug at the mention of the cops. "If you ain't gonna leave, my boys ain't gonna be too happy. I wasn't even meant to warn ya, my boys straight up took over the joint,"

"I'm not going to leave," She stated defiantly, finally reaching her boiling point. "Let your 'boys' come here and pull me out kicking and screaming."

"Sunshine, please don't make this harder," He begged, distress evident in his honey orbs. "I just don't want you gettin' hurt..."

Eden's finely manicured nails dug deeper into the doorframe, a hushed crack resounding as the wood broke under her vice grip. She couldn't believe that this was happening, that the whole of Bullworth Academy was practically in an all-out brawl. It frustrated her beyond belief, so many events unfolding only a few hours ago in the middle of her biology class. Eden shook her head up at Johnny, finding it hard to merely stand in his presence. She pushed past him, slamming her dorm door shut loudly behind her, and was already making her way down the hall.

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