Chapter Fifteen: Discovery

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"J-Jimmy!" Eden spluttered out with a gasp, tugging her dusty pink duvet up to her chest. "Get out!"

"No Eden, I gotta apologise for earlier."

"It's fine, honestly. I'm just too emotional today. So, you can go."

Eden's heart had lurched to form a knot in her throat. Fear filled her to the brim. The slightest of moves and Gary would be discovered and from then on - all hell would break loose. She couldn't even bear to think of the fight that would break out. Her hands were clammy at the mere thought, as she rubbed them consciously. Gary stroked her thigh comfortingly, reassuring her that he was here.

"Listen, I know how you feel," Jimmy began, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. "Wait, no. I haven't been in your position, so I don't really know. But hey, I can try."

"Jimmy, you-"

"I hate Gary." His eyes were a fierce auburn hue. "He's a sociopathic lowlife who couldn't face me and has been hiding like a little bitch."

Gary's grip on her tightened. He smouldered quietly with resentment. Just hearing Jimmy's voice made irritation pour through him in a hefty stream.

"Jimmy, that's your opinion." An unreadable expression crossed Eden's face, a blank slate. "We're human, we're not going to agree on everything. It's clear that we won't agree on this. Gary hasn't done wrong by me."

"He insulted you all the time, Eden!"

Eden reached under the covers, rubbing Gary's back reassuringly. She knew he was two seconds away from ripping off the blanket and tearing Jimmy apart.

"That's what you saw." She snapped back calmly, her lack of expression unwavering. "Yes, he was incredibly rude to me and said things that I could have gone without hearing but - things were said and happened behind closed doors."

"He's a bully Eden. Just like the rest of the losers here." Jimmy huffed out, arms crossed over his chest.

"Come now, he wasn't that bad."

"Look, I know you like him and all that, but you gotta think about the damage that sociopath has done. What if you were in The Hole? What if you were getting beat by Russell?" He pressed on.

"Jimmy, he saved me from Bif on Halloween night. He held me while I cried, calmed me down from my panic attacks and was there for me when I didn't want anyone to be..." Her voice faded into a soft whisper, feeling Gary release his grip on her.

" really do like him, don't you?" Hatred dripped from every word he spat.

"I...well..." She tucked a stray curl behind her ear, heartbeat thumping against her chest. "Yes, I do."

Silence. Utter silence fell amongst the room. All the trio could hear was the gentle hum of the laundry machines, distant giggles and chatter, and the passing of cars on the nearby street. Eden's gaze averted out the windowsill. It was a quiet Tuesday, the day was postcard perfect. She loved quiet days, they idled away like the ticking arms on a clock until the dawn of a new day approached. The sky was an unbroken backdrop of blue as the sun ducked behind high pine trees, beckoning the night to take over the restless souls of Bullworth Academy.

Gary was the epitome of restless, his mind running a thousand miles an hour as he lay there, in complete shock. 'Eden likes me? Actually likes me?'

"I'm not happy about it, but I can't do anything about it. It's your life." Jimmy stepped closer, ruffling her curls like she was his little sister.

"Thank you, Jimmy, I appreciate it." A small smile grew on her plump lips.

"I need to get going, I gotta meet Tad at his place."

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