Chapter Seven: Left Hook, Right Hook

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Salty droplets dribbled down Eden's face like the soft summer rain, dripping onto the metal bench. The perspiration covered her body like a beaded sheen, a dark growing map dying her oversized tank top a deep, royal shade of blue. Bif looked not too dissimilar from his companion. His shirt long forgotten, crumpled into a ball beside the couple, as the blaring downlights of the gym glared down on them.

"I'll admit, I didn't take you for a fighter." He huffed out with a slight chuckle.

"There's a lot more than what meets the eye, I suppose."

She stretched out her boxing glove cladded hands, Bif immediately reaching out to remove the bondage off her. A sigh of relief left her lips, feeling the air-conditioned air slam into her, cooling her body down instantaneously. It was euphoric.

"You look good in that boxing outfit."

She raised an eyebrow and stared blankly at him. "Are you farsighted?"

Bif couldn't help but let out a deep chuckle at her words. "Not at all."

Hungry olive eyes trailed down her figure, greedily gobbling up the sight before him, like a depraved animal. Her shirt clung to her skin like a vice, much like her shorts, which left very little to the imagination. Her thick thighs jiggled as she crossed one leg over the other. His gaze was unsettling. He wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was undressing her with his eyes.

It became obvious to Eden throughout their training session that Bif lusted for her. It frightened her. To her, lust and attraction were two different things - this became ever so present to her as she grew up. Lust is a carnal desire. It was ardent heat, passion, fervent yearning. Attraction was so much softer. It was invisible golden threads, chords playing a biblical symphony, holding promises of future love and laughter, and what will come of each other. 'The sanest kind of madness there is.'

"You look good in anything, Eden."

Words that were meant to make her blush instead humiliated her. It was a lie. She wrapped her arms around her aching body, hugging herself tightly. Embarrassment prodded at the back of her brain.

"I don't look good at all." She murmured in a meek voice.

Bif leaned forward, grabbing her wrists and holding them up, in a tight grip. The couple's eyes met, his intense gaze unnerving her. He raked over her body. Eden squirmed self-consciously under him. In a swift move, he snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her against his chest. A subtle whimper escaped her lips, as she rested her head against his shoulder. She was tired, her body ached. She had no energy to chide him.

"You look beautiful." He let out in a husky drawl.

'I don't like this, at all.' She smiled sweetly up at him and took a step back, itching to put some space between them.

"I'm going to head back to the dorms Bif, it's almost curfew."

"Hm..." The taller boy hummed in disagreement, nuzzling his face against her neck. "Stay with me."

Goosebumps erupted across her skin like hives. "I have to be up early."

"Come on Eden, we can head upstairs and have some... private lessons."

She felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. She should have known better, that it would have come to this.

"I'm not interested in that at all, Bif." Eden snapped back, trying to wiggle free of his grip.

"Oh, is that so?" He growled coarsely into her neck, his hot breath blowing onto her skin. "So, the rumours about Gary are true then?"

She was trembling in both fear and anger. "T-they're not."

"Prove it to me then," Bif peppered kisses along her exposed collarbone. "Give yourself to me."

Eden's eyes squeezed tightly, her face scrunching up at the feeling of his smooth lips searing hot kisses onto her skin, marking her, branding her. 'Who does he think he is? I feel so helpless, like a cornered animal. I don't want him near me. I don't want him touching me. Get him off!'

She raised a shaky knee and kneed Bif straight in between the legs. He let out a strangled cry, instantly dropping to his knees in front of her, holding onto his precious family jewels.

"Y-you low life bitch!" Bif exclaimed, groaning incessantly.

"This is gonna hurt a lot more bitch."

Eden struck him straight in the face. A solid uppercut. A croak of pain left his lips before he fell flat onto the floor. A solid knockout. She felt the rage that had boiled in the pit of her stomach, slowly dissipate. Bif laid there, sound asleep on the gym mat. 'One is enough.'

She reached down and plucked her duffle bag up. Her mind was racing, incessant thoughts kept popping into her brain, tantalising her. Eden made her way with quick steps to the exit, desperate to escape the claustrophobic gym. As she stood in the doorway, she couldn't help but glance over her shoulder, no matter how much her brain shouted at her not to.

Eden could just barely see the crimson blood that trickled down his cupid's bow, to the corner of his lips. She had hurt him and she had hurt him badly. Regret flashed across her solemn features. She scuttled over to him, snatching his face towel and knelt beside him. Eden cupped his bruised up jaw. It was slack, bloody spit dripping down his chin. Tears unwillingly welled up in her glassy eyes, her body wracking with silent sobs that didn't dare to escape her lips, as she wiped at the blood.

"I didn't mean to do that." She sputtered out, her hands trembling with every swipe of blood she cleaned.

Eden glanced down at her hands. Blood. Ruby-red blood specked her fingertips, old merlot blood stained her knuckles. Her father's words floated around in her mind. 'The life of a businessman is a scrutinising one. The most important rule is to never get your hands dirty. My sweet Eden, we are thankful for what we have. You should be as well. Never sully your hands. Never use the same hands that help others, to destroy them.'

A tear streaked down her cheek as she slumped onto the floor.

"Mother is going to kill me."

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