Chapter Forty-Six: Camera Roll

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The quiet click of the lock bolting the door to its frame resonated loudly within the otherwise silent bedroom. Eden stood, her back flush against the cherry oak, a serene smile playing lucidly atop her plump lips as her gaze remain fastened onto the man before her. Gary Smith, the sociopath of Bullworth and her boyfriend, was buried deep within the mattress. Rouge sheets caressed his skin, sleeping the day away in a silken fantasy.

Eden walked over to the window, cranking it open. Carolling birds sung their chorus from the treetops, whisked away by the whimsical light of the midday sun. Antler shaped branches cascaded a myriad of shadows over Bullworth Academy. A warm breeze sifted through the arched window, a breeze promising many more golden days to come. A couple of students ambled around the pavement and basked in the auspicious light, books in hand as they soaked up the much appreciate rays. It was such a beautiful day, yet it was filled with such turmoil.

Her gaze flickered over to Gary. Such a beautiful day and he was sleeping it away. A content sigh left her lips as she drew nearer. His pinkish lips were parted, the corners tugged upwards in a little smile, as little snores escaped him. Gary was truly at peace with the world. 

A wicked grin crossed Eden's lips. That peace wasn't going to last very long. She pounced on him, collapsing unceremoniously like a tree in the woods. Spluttered words escaped him like the nonsensical rambling of a mad man, and he jolted awake at the sudden impact. Drowsily, he eyed the girl lying on him.

"Mmf... princess?" Gary greeted in a scratchy voice.

"That's me, baby."

A groan left his lips at the little nickname, pressing her body flush against his. "You're squishing me, baby."

"You're the one that's holding me, let go."



"...too warm."

Eden's cheeks flushed a pinky hue at the feeling of his dexterous fingers brushing through her hair. Nuzzling comfortably into her chest, the lulling beat of his heart filled her ears. 'He's so lovey-dovey in the morning, why can't he always be like this? It's nice to be like this, it feels normal. Like a proper relation... ship.'

A pang struck at her heart. What were they? It was a question that tugged at the back of her mind since the 'situation' with Johnny. She loved Gary, more than she could ever put into words. They were together and they were in love, although Gary didn't want to admit the latter. She knew his past played a huge role, but it still hurt.

Gary's mouth gaped wide as he let out a lion's roar of a yawn. "You're dressed? When did you get up?"

"Around two hours ago, it's twelve in the afternoon, Gary. I hung out with Mandy and Christy for a while, then had to find Jimmy."

"Why were you looking for that moron?"

"Well," Eden trailed off, sitting up and straddling his lap. "Posters of Mandy are plastered all over the academy. My guess is that Earnest had copies before Jimmy returned the camera back to Ms Phillips. He must've printed them off and spent all morning sticking them up."

Gary blinked once. Gary blinked twice. Brilliant umber eyes glimmered vividly in the morning sun, as the cogs in his brain turned. Suddenly, a spark of malevolence followed by a swarm of darkness. The words finally registered in his mind. He sat up. He hugged her, tight.

"This is perfect, Eden!"

Spurs of excitement sprung throughout his body. Gary hauled Eden off without another glance her way, hopping off the bed and rushing around the room. Off went his shirt and down went his pants, launching the clothes across the floorboards. A squeak left Eden and she covered her eyes, a ripple of pink spreading over her beige skin.

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