Chapter Seventy: Tribus Annis Postea

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Click, click, and click. The woman appeared to be a striking panther, on the prowl searching for her new prey. Her coal heels clicked methodically on the marble flooring, as her elegant long legs continued their long strides. Her fitted tweed skirt accentuated her thin waist and fluttered ever so slightly with each step she took. The delicate fabric caressed her flawless sun-kissed skin that beamed radiantly in the glow of the afternoon sun. The sun shone through the long window panes that encased the hallway, its shimmering rays casting a comforting warmth throughout the office building. Scampering beside the elegant woman was a slightly shorter woman, whose sleek ginger locks were clasped back firmly into a ponytail. She was meticulous as an assistant to the CEO of a company could possibly be. Although she paid attention to every single detail and loved to iron over every crinkle in her clothing, she was clumsy. She fumbled about, failing to keep up with her boss's incessant pace, careful not to drop any of the paperwork she held in her arms.

"Christy, please ask Mr Harrington if he can be so kind as to fax the notes from our previous meeting. I have been waiting for them for over a week now." The CEO ordered, taking a quick sip from her coffee mug.

"Got it, boss!" Christy chirped happily, scrawling the note down in her little binder.

"Also, please inform Mr Jones that the board meeting for our investments into Trudeau Medical Engineering is set to be rescheduled to Thursday evening, as Beatrice has made a 'breakthrough', so to speak."

"Yes, ma'am, which Jones are you referring to?"

"Earnest Jones of Rocket Launch Technologies," She replied, absentmindedly wiping imaginary dust off of her pristine blazer. "I will be in my office Christy, please notify me ten minutes prior to any scheduled client appointments."

"Perfect, you've got it, boss." The assistant nodded earnestly before scuttling over to her sleek desk.

The boss strode confidently into her office, her aura of superiority and power never faltering for a single second. She closed the door behind her with a quiet click. Once the door was safely closed, she unravelled slightly, allowing a deep sigh to fall from her lips. She was tired, exhausted even. Yet, she was content, with a pleasant smile sprawled across her plump rose lips. Her office has slowly become her sanctuary, her 'home away from home'. The CEO enjoyed every moment spent inside the open-planned office and loved merely basking in its glory. Her office has even been dubbed 'God's Acceptance' by her many clients and staff, as it appeared almost heavenly. This was due to her black and white speckled marble desk being at the back of the spacious room, with the backdrop being thick glass panes overlooking Bullworth. This was where the infamous CEO, made the decision of whom lives or dies. Or rather, who becomes partners with Milenko Industries or gets thrown to the dogs and shamed.

The woman strode over towards the mirror, her chocolate curls bouncing enthusiastically and coiling around her hips. She stood before the mirror, her glimmering orbs fastened intently onto her reflection. Eden Milenko certainly has grown in the past three years. Not merely just physically but mentally as well. She had grown into the perfect CEO for Milenko Industries, a fine title that she happily prides herself in taking. It was a daunting task for the young woman, being pulled straight from high school and thrust into the hustle and bustle of the business world, but she fell in love with the job almost instantly.

Eden winked at herself cheekily in the mirror before retreating to her desk, the glorious sun rays enveloping her worn-out form and bringing it to life. She stood beside her desk, eyeing the flashing red light on the answering machine. The mere sight of it both pleased but irritated her. She pressed a few buttons on the machine, the phone coming to life. Eden leaned comfortably on her desk, plopping her bottom on the edge of it, as she stared at the gorgeous afternoon sun cascading its shine on the houses and office buildings below.

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