Chapter Fifty-Two: Furry Little Bastards

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It had been two days since Jimmy Hopkins had spray-painted obscene graffiti on City Hall. 

It had been two days since a huge fight broke out on campus, all the cliques in Bullworth Academy hating each other, but hating Jimmy even more. 

It had been two full days since Eden had been able to look her own boyfriend, Gary Smith, in the eyes.

The second Gary walked through their bedroom door just two days ago, Eden could barely glance at him for more than a second. It broke her, knowing that what he did was the catalyst for all that mayhem that unfolded. She knew full well that he was going to take photos and was mad at herself for not stopping him, calming the situation. Instead, all she did was fuel the kerosene within Gary by telling him of Jimmy's plans. 'I'm so thankful that Petey asked to have a study session together. It gives us some time to catch up and gets me away from Gary. I need some time to sort my head out, it's a jumbled mess.'

"I don't get why you can't just study here, with me." Came another grumble from Gary, as he drummed his fingers on the desk.

For the past thirty minutes, he had been complaining about the study session. And it was driving Eden up the wall.

"Because I can't exactly bring Petey here to study, now can I?" Eden questioned, plucking her chemistry book and a notepad from beside him.

"Ugh," He groaned, drumming louder. "I don't know why you even waste your time with fem-boy, he's such a loser."

Her eyes narrowed at him, brows snapped together. "Gary, come on. Petey's my friend and we haven't hung out in a long time. We're just going to study and catch up."

The taller teenager fell silent at her words, eyes flickering back to the homework he was meant to be catching up on himself. If it weren't evident by his constant whining, Gary didn't want her to go. He wanted- no, needed her by his side. Rage and anxiety were a furious concoction bubbling up inside him, threatening to boil over at any minute. 

Even after all their time apart, Gary still heard rumours about them. Whispers from Greasers and gossip between the girls, about Eden Milenko and Johnny Vincent. 'I'm glad that Johnny 'ain't around no more', this oughta shut them those grease bags up. Poor bastard, I almost feel sorry for him. Of course, I would, if I wasn't the one that organised it.'

"Gary love, mind if I ask you something?"

Terror stabbed at his heart. "H-huh, what?"

"I wanted to ask you something about Jimmy."

Gary recovered smoothly. "You already asked me something moron, but shoot."

She rolled her eyes at the cocky remark as she slipped on her loafers. "Why did you tell everyone that it was Jimmy? That did the graffiti on City Hall?"

"Well you saw it, didn't you? Everyone turned on him." A smirk crawled onto his full lips. "Everyone knew that James is a useless leader and I proved that to them, all of them."

"I guess but, wouldn't they believe the same when it comes to you?" Eden's words were tight as she spoke. "What would make them believe that you're a better leader than him? You two are similar but admittedly, you've done a lot more to make people doubt you, Gary. Need I remind you that you did manipulate all the cliques, especially the leaders."

The smirk dropped off his lips as fast as it had appeared, stiffening at her words. Eden had a point and that only made him more agitated. 

"Look, I run your world moron."

She spun around on her feet, shock overtaking her features. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Eden. I run your little world and everything in it. You're right, I've manipulated everyone. Everything around you and everyone you've spoken to, don't forget that."

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