Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Slut Named Lola

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Low grumbles bubbled up from Jimmy's throat, escaping under his breath. Hostility and irritation seeped off of him, a tangible aura that would send anyone he came across, running straight for the hills. Except for the one woman beside him, who simply remained her usual calm self, even as she struggled to breathe properly after their mini-marathon. 

The pair didn't need to exchange words as they silently strode down the sidewalk of New Coventry. Eden's loafers clicked quietly against the snow-dusted pavement, her stomach lurching uncomfortably with every step they took. Fear. The unmistakable emotion crawled up her throat, forming a tight knot. To say Eden was afraid was an understatement. However, afraid perhaps wasn't the best word.

Eden was afraid yes, but unbothered. Truthfully, the whole situation didn't bother her in the slightest. She couldn't care less about some incontinent child hooking up with a promiscuous girl. It was none of her business. Fear started to settle in when Gary crossed her mind. She was worried sick about him ever since she left the academy gates. 'Did he run off with Johnny to attack Algie? Is he hiding somewhere, knowing that Jimmy is here? Or is he back at the dorm room?'

It was days like these, that Eden missed homeschooling.

"Is that Chad Morris?" Jimmy piped up, questioning in a hushed tone.

His jaw had dropped to the floor, eyes fastened to the alleyway beside a closed down pizza parlour.

"Chad?" One of the boxers Jimmy had fought during the tournament.

"Yeah, it is! Come on!"

Not waiting for Eden to even begin to protest, he hauled her towards the walkway by her wrist. The taller girl held back the urge to kick him straight in the knees. Jimmy's grip was tight, too tight. To the point where she was sure little purplish bruises would speckle her skin in a couple of hours. The scent of wet mud and garbage cans that were at least three weeks overdue wafted into her nostrils. Her face scrunched up in disgust. Jimmy didn't seem disturbed in the very slightest.

Towards the end of the alley was Chad Morris and the woman of the hour, who she assumed, was Lola Lombardi.

Eden knew very little about the sultry girl. She didn't care much to ask about her or even talk to her. The only time she had even laid eyes on her was during their awkward staring bouts in the girl's dorm, as they waited for the head cheerleader Mandy Wiles, to finish her hour-long showers. Lola's snarky voice echoed throughout the otherwise dead silent alley.

"Come on Chad, it's only a hundred bucks." She purred out, skimming her finely manicured nails down his ironed Aquaberry vest.

He gulped audibly at her action, his voice coming out in a low whisper. "I know Lola, but my dad would kill me for taking it."

"Oh, I see. So you think I'm some sort of cheap slut?" Her sickly sweet voice turned sour, nails raking down a chalkboard. "That's it! We're done!"

"I-I'm still here, Lola." A meek voice reminded followed by a nervous giggle.

The man of the hour, Algernon Papadopoulos, poked his chubby head out from around a corner.

"Shut it, fatso!" Lola growled out, a fresh swell of rage rising within her.

"Yuck," Eden muttered, shaking her head disdainfully at the ill-mannered girl before her. "I can't believe she speaks to people like that."

"Just a few more Jocks, and she'll have the whole football team," Jimmy commented, earning a snort from the taller girl beside him.

The foul stench of trash and Lola's cheap perfume was sending her system into overdrive. Eden glanced around her surroundings, scanning them intently, in search of two certain people. Who else, other than Gary Smith and Johnny Vincent. Johnny because she wanted Jimmy to void getting into any more trouble with the head of the clique. Or worse, be next in line of getting accused of messing around with Lola. And Gary, because she didn't want the two morons she had grown to love, to tear each other's throat out. At least... not yet, that is.

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