Chapter Twenty-Seven: Johnny Vincent's Boys

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Finally, Eden could breathe a sigh of relief. Her classes were over for the day. Her mind practically screamed at her to go back to her dorm, snuggle up under the covers with Gary and snooze the rest of the day away. Her heels clicked away methodically on the cracked pavement. She was thankful to stretch her aching limbs, moaning at the feeling of content. Aching limbs, aching eyes - Eden was a sleepy mess. 

A yawn fluttered from her lips. Most of the other Bullworth students were still in class or already back in their dorms. No one wanted to stay out in the freezing cold. 'I miss the sun already, I can wait until summer is over. Maybe Gary and I could go to the beach together?'

"Yo, Eden!"

A stocky body skidded to a halt in front of her, their holler breaking her train of thought.

"Hey love, where are you running off it?" She greeted Jimmy.

"Just dealing with the Greasers." He sighed tiredly at the quizzical look Eden sent him. "You know pee stain?"

"Pee, what?"

"Algie, from art class? Well apparently, he's been playing around with that slut Lola, who's dating the head of the Greaser clique."

"Algie and Lola?" Shocked sputters left her mouth in the form of a gasp.

"I know right? Apparently, he's into blondes..." Jimmy shook his head mid-explanation as if to shake the thoughts of the overweight teenager hooking up with the promiscuous girl.  "I gotta go save Cornelius' ass now, wanna come with?"

A wicked grin spread across her lips, a twinkle of mischievousness flickering in her eyes. Gary had grown on her.

"Let's go then."

Jimmy nodded silently and sprinted off, wind shooting past Eden. A quiet giggle bubbled up from her throat, a rush of adrenaline surging through her bloodstream. Gone were any thoughts of sleeping, she was pumped up. Eden sprinted after him, the wintry air whipping her curls across her face. The pair dashed past a prefect, whose eyes instantly fastened onto them like they were up to no good.

Considering Jimmy Hopkins, the school rebel was running around with Eden Milenko, the wealthiest girl in Bullworth Academy - it could only mean trouble. They scuttled over to the concrete archway that led through to the Boy's Dorm. Scrutinised carob eyes scanned the winter wasteland, in search of a certain lanky nerd, Cornelius Johnson. Eden stood beside Jimmy wordlessly, her hands on her wide hips.

"There, that's Cornelius!" Jimmy exclaimed.

She followed his gaze to spot the glasses-wearing nerd. Surrounding him was a group of Greasers, pushing and shoving him. Some of them she recognised from hanging around the campus or the auto shop. All except for one. 

Eden could only assume it was the head of the Greaser clique, his stance tall and proud, reeking of confidence. Dressed in the standard navy Bullworth sweater with beige slacks and a scrunched up black leather jacket - he looked straight out of a '50s movie. He was the spitting image of a bad boy, the epitome of everything bad and sinful. His thick cedar hair was meticulously styled, the colour matching his eyes perfectly. A single stud was pierced in his ear, fitting his 'bad boy' image. 

Gloved fists were raised high in the air as he taunted Cornelius, hollering incomprehensible insults mixed in with sharp shoves. Eden couldn't lie, he was definitely handsome. He had to be without a doubt, one of the most good looking boys she had ever laid her eyes on.

"Enjoying the view?" Jimmy teased.

"Who is he?"

"Johnny Vincent, head of the Greaser clique." Eden figured as much, her gaze unwavering off him.

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