Chapter Seventeen: Caretaker

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"Okay, thank you, sir." Eden's face was stoic as she bid the doctor goodbye.

She watched with dark hooded eyes as the man trailed down the hallway of the girl's dorm, his stethoscope swaying with every step he took. She watched his figure disappear around a corner and let out a sigh of relief, shutting her door. After hearing the soft click of the lock, Eden knew she was safe and alone with Gary.

Eden couldn't bear to face him. However, it wasn't as though she had a choice. She slowly turned around, a despondent, pitiful whimper leaving her lips at the sight before her. Her moron, her sociopath, the thorn in her side - was practically wrapped from head to toe in bandages. Yet, he was sleeping so soundly on her bed. Sadness was all the teenage girl could feel. It was also an emotion she never quite understood.

Her mother used to constantly question her, belittle her whenever she was upset. Her mother constantly chastised her saying, 'what's the point in being sad over something that has already happened? What's the point in crying over spilt milk? Just get a towel and clean the damn mess up'.

Unfortunately for her mother, Eden was nothing like her in that sense. Albeit the attractive girl was flirtatious at times like her - she was calm and serene, and she was most definitely sensitive. And right now, Eden felt at her most vulnerable, as though her heart was being pierced by frozen icicles, the sweet embrace of death nothing more than a distant thought. Constant flashbacks paraded around her mind, tantalising her with images of Gary's limp body lying there, in a puddle of his own blood. It kept her up at night. It haunted her nightmares.

Eden watched with dull, lifeless eyes as Gary stirred around in her bed, groaning softly under his breath. She pulled over her desk chair, taking a seat beside the bed. She observed the peaceful sleeping boy. The lines of worry and irritation on his forehead had smoothed down, as though they were a distant memory. His eyelids were closed, long lashes that any girl would kill to have, casting soft shadows on his smooth complexion. His mesmerising umber eyes were hiding away, their sparkle of mischievousness dissipated. 

All the aching muscles in his face and body were finally relaxed, not a single twitch coming from him. Gary's body was completely at rest with itself, the only movement indicating that he was still alive was the small rising and falling of his chest.

One thing stood out to Eden. He looked innocent. His façade had slipped away.

"What are you dreaming about, Gary?" Her quiet voice whispered out, reaching up to move a few strands of hair out of his face.

Eden was utterly exhausted. Her aching body was screaming at her to have a steaming hot shower and snuggle under the warm covers of her bed. She ignored it. Gary needed her now, more than ever. She leant forward, resting herself on the bed, beside his limp hand.

"I'm under your spell." She ran her fingers through his hair.

The murmur of words barely escaped her lips, as she felt her consciousness ebb away with every ticking second that passed by. Eden's once clear and concise thoughts were coming to an end, turning into a blur of phrases and half-thought out sentences. Her heavy eyes fluttered shut, tired and dim emerald eyes hiding away. She found herself slowly being lulled to sleep, her hand dropping from Gary's face to rest on his chest, his heartbeat matching her own as she escaped the conscious world.


The blaring sun peeked through the dorm's window, the soft warmth flowing through the glass pane and onto the couple within the room. The entire room was covered in a golden sheen, dust-motes dancing in the rays of light that filled the quiet room, the only sound filling the room is the soft snoring of the teenage girl. Gary had woken up a few moments ago and had managed to reel her next to him onto the bed. He woke up in shock as he realised the agony in his leg had dulled to an insistent throb, much to his relief. 

Gary reeled her into him, her delicate head resting atop his chest as his fingers were tangled in her curly chocolate locks. The alluring scent of strawberries wafted into his nostrils, making him wonder what conditioner she used. The sun shone on Eden's luscious mane of hair, creating what could only be described as a fiery halo - making her look more angelic to the sociopathic teenager. He couldn't help but watch her in awe, amazed by how jaw-dropping she looked even when asleep.

The way her ample breasts rose with every intake of air, the way she curled up against him so closely; she fascinated him. His greedy eyes drank in every inch of her body, taking in all her beauty. She moaned softly, the noise leaving her lips and sending shivers straight down the taller boy's spine. Eden groggily tossed around, the body heat flush against her slowly waking her. Her eyes fluttered open, eyelashes faintly batting against her eyelids. Her body felt thoroughly rejuvenated, as though she had sat in a sauna for half a day. She felt comfortable, completely at ease. She was snugly lying against his chest, his relaxed heartbeat flowing through her ears, resonating throughout his mind. 

Gary chuckled deeply as a dazed groan left her lips, her head rising and glancing at him quizzically. "M-mmf?"

"Good," Gary stopped mid-sentence, eyeing the alarm clock planted on the bedside table. "Afternoon, sunshine."

She mewled softly in response and sat up, rubbing the sleep that had settled inside her eye. 

"H-how did I get here?" Her croaky voice questioned, her cheeks heating up shyly.

His heart ached at how pure the shorter girl before him truly was. Gary knew deep down that no matter how hard she tried to act tough like when she beat up Bif, she truly was an innocent little thing. 

"I put you here. Now go back to sleep."

"N-no..." Eden murmured defiantly, shaking her head softly. "I need to help you..."

An appreciative smile spread across his lips and he stared into her lovable emerald eyes. 'Damn, she looks adorable.' 

Gary couldn't resist her. He slammed lips against her, plucking the air straight out of her lungs. He was needy, he needed Eden. The world crumbled around the couple, as though they were the only two people to exist. She barely had a moment to react before Gary slithered his tongue to the seam of her lips, delving into her mouth. The kiss was desperate, it was hungry, it lit their brains on fire, warmth spreading like goosebumps over their skin. 

He was addicted to her, and she was just as addicted to him. They could barely stand each other at times, but couldn't bear to be without one another. His hands made their way around her waist, hers snaking up to loop around his neck.

The couple broke the kiss, Eden resting her forehead against his, laboured breaths filling the silence in the bedroom. His smirk and her smile spoke what they couldn't bring themselves to say. She relaxed in his arms, resting her head back on his chest. Despite her frantic heartbeat, her eyes fluttered shut.

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