Chapter Thirty-Six: Fighting Johnny Vincent

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The blue and red lights were little more than smudgy hazes in the slanting rain. But beneath their iridescent glow, is the white and black bodywork of the police car. Any passing pedestrian couldn't tell what was louder, the Bullworth town logo on the side of the car, or the ear-piercing blare of the siren atop it, as it came screeching into New Coventry. A pleased smirk was ever so present upon Eden's plump lips, her body trembling with every laboured breath she took.

She was slumped against a brick wall, resting against it. Chocolate curls clung to her face in sweat, slightly damp from the brief shower of rain. Her legs were aching beyond belief, throat dry and could have sworn her heart was lodged there. Thinking straight was a notion she couldn't even begin to comprehend. It had only been twenty minutes. Twenty minutes later and the fight was broken up. For the most part. The officers had done their job well, sending Bullworth students sprinting away as fast as they could run from the 'fuzz', as the Greasers would put it.

Eden managed to slip away from their watchful gaze, cowering in a desolate alleyway. 'Those Greasers can run fast, they outran the police. Most of the Preppies were caught, save for Chad and Bif, of course. I need to find Jimmy and Johnny.'


A familiar voice hollered in a gruff tone, snapping Eden out of her thoughts. Speak of the devils, and so they shall appear. She popped her head out to face the deserted street. Narrowed emerald eyes scanned for any signs of life or even a brightly decorated police officer. Careening down the street came Johnny, followed closely by Jimmy, on their bikes. They were pedalling like their life depended on it. She groaned helplessly, watching as they raced down the road.

'I need to follow them, but they're too fast.'

A glint of steel flickered in Eden's eyes. A fallen bicycle lay a few steps away from her. She leaned down. It was Lucky's bike, the poorly inscribed name scratched faintly onto the metal framework. Guilt grew in the pit of Eden's stomach. She knew it was wrong to steal. Hell, her mother would beat her senseless if she found out her precious daughter had stolen a single candy. God forbid a bike. 

'I don't really have any other choice. If the cops find me, I'm done for. Even more so once mother finds out. Plus, I need to follow the boys. I'm sure Lucky won't mind. If I wreck it, I'll buy him a new one.' Eden reassured herself with those thoughts, hurriedly scampering like a scared little pup, over to the fallen bike. She reeled it up with an unsteady grip.

"You!" A gruff voice hollered.

Eden felt her blood run cold. It was like her life had flashed before her eyes.

"Get over here!"

She whipped her head around. It was a police officer with a gaze so blaring, Eden could have sworn lightning would strike her down to the dirt. His thin black goatee swayed wildly in the harsh, chilly wind that even threatened to knock his police cap straight off his head. Eden froze, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. The stern officer approached her menacingly, heavy combats stomping on the concrete, mushing the snow beneath the soles into a puddle of nothingness.

"Where do you think you're going, girl?"

"My apologies, officer..." She trailed off, eyes shooting over to the glimmering badge strapped on his chest. "Officer Williams, I was just-"

"You were going to follow those two boys, weren't you?"

Eden squeezed her eyes shut, dropping her head. She nodded wordlessly, her heart plummeting to her stomach. 'It's over. I'm dead meat.'

"What are you doing still standing around then?" Officer Williams questioned with a pleasant smirk on his rotund lips. "Hurry up, follow them! Make sure those kids don't make this situation worse!"

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