Chapter Fifty-Seven: Johnny is Missing Part Two

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Eden's arms tightened around Jimmy's waist, reeling him in closer in a vice grip. Her skin was crawling, almost as if thousands upon thousands of cockroaches were swarming all over her body. Both of their bodies bounced and jittered as they rode upon the moist mud, Jimmy's feet frantically pumping the pedals to drive them forward through the muck. They rode along a beaten and desolate track, the air serene yet with a hint of mysteriousness, as though secrets lie hidden within the meters of dirt beneath them. A wintry-like mist hovered over them, enveloping the two teenagers in a bone-chilling freeze. Eden quivered uncomfortably, her hand instinctively darting to her injured shoulder, as they grew nearer to the facility. They lurched forward and to a sudden halt, forcing Jimmy to plant his shoes like tree roots into the ground, as they took a moment to observe the building before them.

The Happy Volts Asylum was just as Ivan Milenko has described it to his daughter many years ago. Decrepit, derelict, rundown, a complete and utter mess, much like the owner of the facility. Eden's heartbeat was thunderous against her ribcage, pure fear trickling down her back like an endless waterfall. The mere thought of Johnny Vincent being caged up in a cell and treated like an animal, or rather even a lesser form of that, sent shivers down her spine. She climbed off the bike, resisting the urge to burst out laughing as her companion did the same, messily clambering off of it and stumbling around like a bubblehead. Something told her that the bicycle wasn't his, to begin with. Maybe it was the fact that Jimmy carelessly threw it onto the soggy mud beneath them, or maybe it was the name 'Earnest' meticulously inscribed along the metal framework.

"There are guards everywhere," Her stocky companion commented, eyebrows narrowed at the sight.

"The grounds of the asylum are heavily guarded, maximum security due to an outbreak that occurred three years ago," She explained, her glimmering emerald orbs scanning their surroundings.

"Great, how the hell do I get in now?"

Eden held her chin in thought, an idea popping into her mind. 'Lionel Tee loved me and was hilariously intimidated by my dad. If I go in, act normal and distract the staff whilst Jimmy sneaks in, we should be able to bypass with ease. Good thinking me.' Her eyes flickered over to the main gate leading into the facility, wherein a guard stood presumably dozing off from boredom. 'I'll speak to the guard and gain access in.'

"Focus on getting yourself inside Jim, I have an idea."

"Sure, that sounds fine," He nodded with a straight face, despite the tinge of annoyance. "How do I even get in?"

Eden's eyes shifted from over his shoulder to a nearby tree, a sturdy branch looming over the incredibly tall fence that blocked off the grounds. "Are you able to climb?"

"Sorta, yeah."

"Climb that tree over there. The drop down shouldn't hurt too badly."

Jimmy nodded without another word, stomping over to the said tree. He stretched his aching limbs out, bracing himself for a big job ahead of him. Eden on the other hand sent her short friend one last reassuring grin, before sprinting over to the entrance of the asylum. Her pristine sneakers were growing dirtier and dirtier, splatters of mud latching onto the clean white and navy blue exterior. 'I should fool them into believing that a patient escaped. That should force the majority of the guards to run off and find him.'

She reached the front of the asylum, her chest heaving up and down rapidly as she tried to regain her breath. Eden pulled her hair tie out, her chocolate curls tumbling down her shoulders, a few strands framing her elegant features as well as her sun-kissed skin. 'I'm going to be on show, representing the Milenko family.' A polite smile grew on her lips with her deceiving poker face on show as she sauntered towards the daydreaming orderly, her wide hips swaying hypnotically from side to side. She was an icon of innocence despite her mesmerizing body and beauty.

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