Chapter Sixty-Five: Red Streak

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The air was tense and stagnant, so thick that it would be difficult even for a finely sharpened butcher's knife to slice through it. Eden's emerald orbs were made of pure fire, rage fuelling within every crevice in her body, much like her opponent Bif, who was struggling and barely contain himself.

His fists clenched. They were a bleached white, striking in contrast to the tinge of ruby red that was sprinkled across his knuckles, presumably from a previous fight. His ginger eyebrows were narrowed at the girl before him, almost as if he could not wait for another second to launch himself at her and beat her to a pulp.

His fists unclenched. Bif's chest heaved up and down rapidly, his muscular torso constricted too tightly in his Aquaberry sweater, that he soon hoped would be splattered with blood. This girl before him, whom he had dubbed multiple times as the 'pompous slut', disgusted him beyond belief. This girl before him who had tarnished his name and, in his words, turned him 'insane', made him want to throw up the delectable caviar he had for lunch. This girl before him, Eden Milenko, was soon going to be nothing more than a chalk outline on the cracked pavement of Bullworth Academy.

Anxiety knotted itself in a big ball within the pit of Eden's stomach, urging her to kneel over and vomit. She was nervous, she was scared, she was furious, she was excited. Bullworth Academy had changed her and she was fully aware of this, in fact, she loved it. She loved the person that she was now. She spoke up, she stood up for herself, she opened up – she was human. No longer was Eden a monotonous, emotionless robot. She was now Eden Milenko, a girl who still stuck to her roots but would no longer be silent. Being calm and tranquil, along with her infamous poker face, were still qualities of herself that she enjoyed, but now she had a spark of mischievousness inside of her, gifted to her by Gary Smith.

'Gary, he stood by my side so many times, too many times to count. He sat by my side through my panic attacks, whispering sweet nothings into my ear and running his fingers through my hair. Now, I have Bif 'the prick' in front of my face. I'm not backing down. Not now, not ever. He's going down.'

"Scared, Eden?" Bif taunted, amusement dancing in his pool of shamrock eyes. "I can see you, you're shaking."

"I am not fearful of someone as insignificant as you, Bif." She retorted coldly, clearly in no mood for his empty words. "Now are you going to fight me? Or just stand there, too afraid to make the first move?"

A deep chuckle bubbled up from the tall teenager's throat, finding delight at her words. "You'll need a jaw reconstruction after I'm through with you!"

Before Eden could blink, he was already charging at her, eager to mow her down and stomp her into the concrete. His hand formed into a fist as it darted out ready to strike, his sharp eyes fastened onto her stomach. A terrific surge of adrenaline streamed throughout her body, as though she was on a magnificent high from a narcotic. 'Move.' Eden leapt to the side, narrowly missing his attack. 'Kick.' She stuck out her leg and laid a solid kick right in his gut, the bottom of her muddy Adidas sneakers leaving a shoe-shaped imprint on his Aquaberry sweater. A loud groan resounded throughout the still air as pain gnawed at his insides, forcing Bif to grasp at his stomach. He kneeled on one leg, gasping for air that didn't seem to be filling his lungs.

'Another kick.' Eden raised her leg once again, landing an earth-shattering kick straight on the middle of his chest. The Preppy spluttered out a howl of pain as his head drooped, his toned form shaking violently from the blow. He wrapped his hand around her ankle, a vice-like grip that sent shivers up Eden's spine. She tried to shake off his inescapable hold, a swell of fear spiking up within her. He tugged her down to the ground, forcing her other leg to grow unsteady and kneel before him.

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