Chapter Twenty-Six: Time

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The naked winter trees lined the circumference of Bullworth Academy. Gone were the luscious green arrowhead leaves, instead replaced with bejewelled frosty leaves that crunch underfoot. Ideas popped into Eden's brain with every step she took, circling around before flying back out her brain. Her breath rose in visible puffs to join the darkened sky overhead, the coolness in the air seeping into her bones. Woollen beanie shoved over her reddened ears, a tight scarf covering her blue-tinged lips - Eden was as warm as could be.

Eden needed a break, she needed some time to think on the crisp winter morning. Chocolate curls bounced with every step she took, fluttering elegantly in the chilling breeze. Winter rejuvenated her. It was a snowy wasteland, but there was beauty in it - clarity, the kind of thinking that allowed her to see clearly into the foggy days upon her. The sunlight peered through the greyish clouds, sending down a few rays to gently caress her skin.

Trickle, trickle. The fountain before her, despite the freezing cold, still spouted out icy water in a flourishing fashion. It was uncommonly clear, without its usual empty chip packets and soda cans littering it. The noise pacified her ears, soothing her. As Eden stood at the intersection between four key areas in Bullworth Academy, she found her solace. 

'Gary gives sociopaths a bad name.' 

The snowflakes came, white and glistening, like floaty little raindrops. One landed on Eden's gloved hand, swirling down in a perfect twirl, a small crystalline kiss. Slowly, her surroundings faced away into a monotone blur of greyish hues.

'I find it easy to trust Gary. Yes, he's wronged Jimmy but he hasn't wronged me... I suppose that's a rather stupid way to look at the situation.'

Another breeze came. Eden hastily shoved her icy hands into Gary's coat, the scent of his cologne wafting into her nose. Sweet yet manly.

'He's easy going and yet conniving. That's what makes him dangerous. A sociopath. I'm only just scraping the surface of the mystery that is Gary Smith.'

"Heya Eden!"

Vance called out to her, waving from near the Auto Shop, a familiar face she hadn't seen in a long while.

"Hey, Vance." She acknowledged with a polite smile.

"I'll talk to ya later, it's freezin' out here!" He grumbled, shuffling back towards the main school building.

She didn't answer, merely nodded as his shuddering body ran to seek warmth in the academy. Her ears faintly picked up on the school bell ringing, sounding the beginning of the morning classes. She grimaced. Classes were her sanctuary, but the last thing she wanted to do was sweat this early in the morning.

'Back to Gary, ugh. His attitude, it burns my very being. He keeps his true intentions, his true self - concealed. Concealed very well. Almost like a snake hidden in the leaves.'

Click click, went her winter boots. The little heel pressed against the pavement as she reluctantly strode towards the gym. 'There's never any clear indication of his intentions. Not a single inkling of his motives. God knows what goes on inside that brain of his. I know him fully well, Gary doesn't care who gets hurt during his battle with Jimmy. His passion is his power. It fuels him to watch others grovel beneath him. Much like it invigorated his father to break down his mother.'

Sneers and hushes whispers surrounded her as soon as she stepped under the stone archway, leading to the gym. The Jocks shot her dirty looks. Eden clearly wasn't welcome there. She hadn't done anything to the clique itself, it was merely hatred by association. Her being friends with Jimmy meant that they, in turn, despised her. They glared at her, scanning her body up and down, hatred evident.

An irritated huff left her lips, the sound billowing into a small puff of mist into the air. She watched as a jock slowly made his way over to her.

"Are you lost, little loser?" A sheen of sweat glistened in the sunlight on his sepia-toned skin, as he towered over her shorter frame.

"Not at all, thank you for asking." She curtly retorted, ignoring his scrutinising gaze.

Prowling like a graceful panther, she slinked over to the gym's doors. She opened with a quiet creak, the sound reverberating throughout the oddly empty gym. Not a single soul was in sight, not even an egotistic jock bullying a nerd. 'Probably still lying in bed.'

Eden peeled off Gary's jacket, folding and placing it neatly on the gleaming bleachers. 'Gary is fake. He hides behind a congenial mask of happiness and monotony, even while he manipulates others. I suppose he's a bit like me in that regard.'

A grumble erupted from her throat, as she threw a high kick up in the air, slicing through the stagnant space around her like a blade through butter. She knew she had to train, she had to become more fit, more active.

'I bet he never wasted a single second making those he manipulated do his bidding. He wants to become head boy, move up through the ranks, gain more and more power. I don't know how he's going to go about it. But I suppose the teachers here are none the wiser about what happens outside of the classrooms. No one suspects any ill will from him. It will be too easy.'

Eden didn't know if she wanted Gary to succeed or not. She only wanted what was best for him. But she didn't know what that was. Her mind constantly tugged her, screaming that something bad is going to happen. Such a thing was to be expected, however. This was Bullworth Academy.

"Alright, you lazy maggots! Look alive!"

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