Chapter Sixty-Nine: Reunited

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The lazy wind pushed against the long grass, sending dandelion seeds fluttering through the air. The sun's glowing rays shone down upon Bullworth Academy, reminding its inhabitants that it was a brand new day. The light shone through the windowpane of the infirmary, its inviting rays casting a warm glow in the room. It was mid-afternoon, therefore the room was bathed in a blood orange cloak. The infirmary was small and quaint, only having three worn-out beds but had tons of brightly coloured diagrams and quotes taped to the ivory walls.

The paper-thin sheets rustled quietly, as the person beneath them began to stir. The nurse Mrs McRae glanced over fleetingly at the figure, tentatively taking a sip from her murky tea. Her glasses slid down the bridge of her nose as she fixated her gaze on her new patient, Gary Smith. She was all too familiar with the notorious sociopathic teenager. He was a regular of hers, always coming in every two weeks to grab his prescripted ADHD medication. Not that he used to take them, that is.

'Life is hell and then you die. It's inevitable.' A deflated groan fell from her lips, as she continued to read her newspaper.

Gary could feel a comforting heat enveloping his body, almost as though he was in a safe cocoon. He could practically feel arms wrapped around him, a head resting on his chest. The scent of strawberry wafting into his nostrils, the feeling of smooth curls brushing against his chin.

'Eden must be lying on me...'

His head was throbbing, his throat was dry, his body ached like no tomorrow - Gary was a tired, defeated mess. His eyes slowly fluttered open, his long eyelashes brushing against his bruised skin. The surroundings of the infirmary were a blurry mash of dark, warm colours, his swirl of chocolate and honey eyes struggling to adjust. The warmth disappeared and was replaced with a bone-chilling freeze. He felt lonely, empty. Gary glanced down at his chest. No Eden.

"Ah Smith, you're awake," Mrs McRae greeted in a solemn tone, throwing down her reading material.

The teenager didn't bother to acknowledge her as struggled to sit himself up, every single one of his muscles and joints screaming in resistance. His eyes scanned the room, the usual spark of mischievousness absent completely. No sign of his girlfriend, at all. Mrs McRae started talking, failing to notice that he was spaced out. Gary ignored her, as anger and distress ravaged through his body. His blood was mixed with kerosene and his rage ignited it.

"Where is she?" He growled out in a low, hoarse tone.

"Where is who?"

"Eden," Gary continued, grasping tightly at the thin sheets until his knuckles turned white. "Where is she?"

Mrs McRae narrowed her eyebrows in irritation at him. "That's the first thing you say?"

"Where the hell is Eden?!" He hollered, growing more and more enraged.

The nurse staggered back, eyeing the tall teenager with a look of pure astonishment. Gary could barely contain his emotions for a second longer, not paying Mrs McRae any attention, while she rushed over to the phone on the wall. She watched the exploding teenager warily, as she phoned Dr Crabblesnitch.

'She's left me. She's gone, she's gone! Damn it! Where is Eden?'

The mere thought of the love of his life leaving him sent Gary into a manic frenzy. The worn-out bed rattled and creaked violently as he slammed his fists onto the metal railings, keeping him from rolling out of the bed. He wanted to scream, he wanted to punch a hole in a wall, he wanted to cry - he needed Eden Milenko, or so God help him, this school would go up in flames before they could utter a single word.

"Dr Crabblesnitch, sir, the Smith child is going crazy!"

"What?" The headmaster spat out, immediately putting down his cup of tea.

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