Chapter Twenty-Nine: Back Home

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"Sorry I abandoned you back there- ouch." Jimmy cut himself off mid-sentence, hissing a wince of pain through his teeth.

Eden shook her head wordlessly, patting her shorter friend on the back reassuringly. He was in pain, his face scrunched up in an uncomfortable expression. Pain, a blinding white spark, that shot up his leg with every stumble and stagger the pair made down the sidewalk. Snow dusted the pavement and the gutters, covering the street in a fine white sheet. The air was clean and fresh, drifting in soft breezes and caressing their icy skin. In the lulling light of early sunset, the sky cast a hue of bold pastels, artistic swirls billowing amongst the dissipating clouds.

Jimmy's arm was draped over her shoulders, using his companion as a crutch as they made their way back to Bullworth Academy. Gone were the Greasers, gone were Chad and Algie - it was peaceful. All that was left was embarrassment, Jimmy's face still a tomato red after confessing he had fallen off his bike, earning him a sprained ankle. All that was remnants of a smile on Eden's face, resisting the urge to start laughing again at the mental image. All that left - was groans of pain and irritated sighs. 

"It's fine Jim, you don't need to apologise."

The cold, steel gates of the school came into view, a sight that practically spouted tears of joy into the teenager's eyes. They stepped onto the school grounds, not a single person in sight. Jimmy peeled his arm off her, unsteady on his feet like a baby deer.

"Do you think you're okay to walk to your dorm by yourself?" Eden hesitantly asked, a flicker of worry crossing her face.

"I'll be alright. Ain't no stoppin' Jimmy Hopkins." He cockily replied, with a confident roll of his shoulder.

Amusement danced in her emerald eyes as she watched him limp towards the Boy's Dormitory, a little giggle leaving her lips.

"Goodbye to you too."

She then turned her attention towards her dorm, a sense of dread and impending doom weighing over her. Her eyes flickered over to her bedroom window. 'I hope Gary isn't mad at me for not listening to him...'

Eden strode towards the building, never a single falter in her stride, confidence reeking off her like a luxurious perfume. A part of her couldn't care less if Gary was upset with her. She did was she believed was right, supporting Jimmy. If he wasn't happy, that was his problem. She spotted as she jogged up the steps, sparing the shy girl a polite, but empty smile. 'Beatrice is adorable. The poor soul just doesn't know what to do with herself.'

The antique doors glided open with a resounding creak as Eden stepped eagerly inside of her dorm. The warmth of the fireplace enveloped her in a comforting hug, fiery embers floating into the air. A content sigh escaped her lips. She was home. She was happy. Her mind wandered off into her little happy wonderland, thoughts consumed by a certain sociopath waiting for her upstairs. Eden's navy skirt fluttered elegantly as she jogged up the staircase.

'I wish I could just sit here with him. In front of the fireplace with a nice cup of hot chocolate, cuddled up tight under a woollen blanket. Sounds like a slice of pure heaven... I can't wait for his little game with Jimmy to be over and done with, and for everything to go back to normal. Or at least, as close to normal as possible. Things can never be the same again, that much I know.'

Suddenly, a shiver cascaded down her spine. Someone was staring at her and they weren't happy, their hard gaze drilling holes straight into the back of her skull. Eden spun around on her heel, a stone-cold expression marring her features. Pinky was sitting comfortably on the plush pink couch, one leg crossed over the other. Dull, chocolate brown eyes piercing through Eden's. Beside her was the ever oblivious Christy Martin and Angie Ng, chatting absentmindedly about some gossip, not noticing the staring contest the other two girls were having.

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