Chapter Six: The Boxing Champion

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Sun-kissed white clouds blossomed in the blue of the sky, a monotone of silver hues overcast Bullworth Academy, as brilliant rays of sunlight slipped through the cracks. Eden's dull emerald eyes stared up at the sky, the humid summer wind blowing her curls into artistic swirls. Her radiant skin absorbed the much needed sunlight, her luscious eyelashes casting shadows onto her rosy cheeks. The grass tickled her back, flattening under the wind in shimmering waves, each blade reflecting the sun's glimmering rays. It was calm. It was serene.

Eden peeked through her half-opened eyelids, catching a quick glimpse of a few jocks glowering menacingly at her. She rolled her eyes at their impudent behaviour. As she basked in the warmth of a Thursday afternoon, her eyes fluttered shut as her mind wandered off. 'Bullworth Academy. This school hasn't been anything short of interesting. My only intention coming here was to study and be babysat until mother and dad's workload eased up. Making friends was never the plan, despite my parents pushing for it. The plan, however, definitely wasn't to flirt with some kid Big Taylor, nor to endure the maniac known as Gary Smith.'

She huffed out audibly at her thoughts, her face scowling immediately at the thought of the sociopath. 'He's irritating. He's rude. He's blunt. He's arrogant and he's cocky. He's everything I'm not used to. Maybe that's why I long to be around him. There's something there, behind his eyes. Something he doesn't want to show. He's hurt...'

"Penny for your thoughts, beautiful?"

Eden peered out from under her eyelashes, following the smooth voice that spoke to her. Her eyes were greeted by a very pleasant sight, one that incited a shy blush to crawl up her cheeks. A teenager towered over her, his form fit and muscles defined under his school uniform, and meticulously ironed Aquaberry sweater. His cheeks were flushed an embarrassed bright red, a few shades too similar to his slackly styled hair, that framed his stern features.

"Make it a dollar, then we're talking." Eden chimed back playfully.

"Mind if I join you?"

She eyed the unfamiliar teenager with a cautious gaze. He was nervous, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as he spoke. His eyes were a soft hue of olive green, a languish clover wilting as scorching summer days passed by. He looked at her, then to the sky, then back at her. His nervousness was obvious. It was almost attractive to Eden. She loved knowing she held such an effect over someone.

"Of course," She sat up, smiling softly at the skittish teenager. "There's enough grass on this field for everyone."

He beamed back at her before plopping himself beside her. "My name is Bif by the way, Bif Taylor.

'My my, what luck I have today.' She mused to herself.

"Eden Milenko, it's nice to meet you."

Her observant gaze couldn't help but waver over his shoulder. The jocks were still standing there, throwing the couple dirty looks and grumbling under their breath. The hatred between cliques at Bullworth perplexed Eden. She understood it, but she found it odd. After years of homeschooling, then being thrust into a breeding ground of hatred and animosity, she couldn't help but find the situation simply annoying. Bif followed her eyes and let out a deep chuckle at the grimace spread across her usually blank features.

"You can't blame them for staring, can you?"

Eden tilted her head in confusion, curls falling haphazardly onto her face. "Why?"

"I was staring at you too and wow, I was enjoying the sight."

A smirk crawled onto her lips. "Then, I'm glad you enjoyed the view."

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