Chapter Thirty-One: Jealous Gary

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Gary's umber eyes that once held a spark of mischievousness, were now as cold, and as unwavering as steel. He glared down daggers from his position, perched against the windowpane. His expression was firm and stern, eyebrows furrowed deeply. Gary was almost at his boiling point, the sight before him sending flames of anger licking through his body. Standing at the front of the Girl's Dormitory was none other than his girlfriend Eden Milenko, with the head of the Greaser clique, Johnny Vincent. They had been only standing there for ten minutes, but it felt like hours. They had only been talking, but it was anything but in Gary's eyes.

An uncharacteristic blush had sprinkled across Johnny's tan complexion, a large grin on his pale pink lips that could be seen from miles away. It sickened Gary. Eden was much of the same, a small smile on display, as she kept nervously tucking strands of her chocolate curls behind her ear. Gary's knuckles were as white as the snow that dusted down from the grey skies, trembling fingers curled around the window frame.

Johnny leaned forward, moving some hair from her face. A quiet cracking noise squeaked out from the wood, crying out beneath his vice grip, only fuelling his smouldering rage. 'That should be my hand. Not his. Why is he touching her? Why is he touching Eden? Why is she letting him?'

Gary's form was hunched over, as though he were a lion, just waiting and ready to pounce and attack him. He watched with cautious, prowling eyes, as Eden waved goodbye to Johnny. The leader of the Greaser's raised his arm and ruffled her curls, earning an annoyed pout from the shorter girl. She swatted his hand away irritatedly before scampering into the dorm, leaving Johnny standing alone in the middle of the courtyard. He grinned, a content smile playing on his lips before he shoved his hands into his pockets. Johnny walked away from the dorm, away from Eden and the unknowingly, enraged Gary.

The faint sound of Eden's booming footsteps whispered through the floorboards, as she sprinted eagerly up the staircase. 'I'm so damn mad, I'm shaking. I'm in shock. She's a moron, and he's an even bigger one. I run both their worlds, don't they get it? They do what I tell them to do!'

His ears blocked out all sounds surrounding him. The distant chatter of the girl's downstairs, the howling of the wind and creaking of the attic above, and the sound of Eden struggling to open the locked door - it was all background noise. Eden wedged the card in between the door and the frame, clicking it open. The door swung open with a hushed groan and Eden stepped into her dorm room.

"Hey, Gary." She greeted softly, shutting and locking the door behind her.

Hearing no response, Eden glanced over at him. Standing by the window sill, quietly seething in unmistakable rage. Her loafers squeaked as she hesitantly stepped towards him.

"Gary, are you okay?"

"Of course Eden, I'm just ecstatic." He growled out, whipping around to face her. "I'm just jumping for joy, aren't I? Ah yes, nothing makes me happier than you going behind my back and hanging around Johnny."

His maddened expression set fear spiking throughout Eden's body, and she took a step back. "Gary, we weren't doing anything."

"I. Do. Not. Care!" Spit flew out with each word he hollered. "I gave you a simple instruction Eden, just one thing I asked you to do. Don't talk to Johnny Vincent! And what do you do? You talk to him!"

"Stop yelling, Gary." She approached him, running her shaky hands down his chest to calm him down. "Someone is going to hear you."

"I don't care, you moron!" He roared, holding onto her hands in a bone-crushing grip. "Let them hear me. I am two seconds away from going down to the auto shop and bashing Johnny's skull in."

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