Chapter Fifty: The Looming Fall of Jimmy Hopkins

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The weather was beautiful, magnificent even. Spring had kissed the earth and awakened it from its dormant sleep, as the crisp breeze of the morning air whistled through the treetops. The grass was a luscious shade of parakeet green, glistening with dewdrops. Not a single cloud to be found, a clear periwinkle sky overhead. Eden Milenko found solace in the serene spring air, inhaling it gratefully into her lungs. 'It's so relieving to be able to breathe this air in after having smelt the oh-so-lovely scent of frog brains for the past hour or so. God, I'm beginning to regret taking up biology.'

"Hey, Eden!" A familiar voice hollered out from across the courtyard.

A smile spread across her blank features at the voice and she whipped around, chocolate curls smacking against her cheeks. "Petey, good morning."

"I haven't seen you around in a while."

"I could say the same for you." The two of them had been so caught up in their own worlds, they'd almost forgotten about each other. "Where are you off to now?"

"Ah well, Jimmy's having a little hangout right now, a meeting thing with all the leaders of the cliques." A slight tinge of pink dusted his cheeks as he spoke. "He wants me to be there, so..."

"Such a gentle soul, he is." She replied, earning a chuckle from her shorter companion. "Mind if I join?"

"Sure, I doubt Jimmy will care."

"If he's smart, then he won't."

Pete didn't answer but his smile said it all. The pair walked side by side towards the Boy's Dormitory in silence, instead finding solace in the calming breeze and distant chatter. Algernon stumbled past with the grace of a two-legged elephant, scratching at the 'mayo' stains near his open fly. Eden visibly blanched at the sight, her face scrunching up. As though noticing her expression, he let out an awkward chuckle as he waked meekly at her. She returned the gesture.

Eden and Pete strode into the dormitory. Her stomach lurched, hand flying to cover her nose. The scent of smelly old gym socks, testosterone and rotten fruit permeated the stale air.

"You really need to open a window in here."

"You're telling." He huffed back with a roll of his eyes.

They stepped further into the stinky dungeon. Her eyes honed in straight ahead on the broad back of Ted Thompson. Standing beside him was a teenager who she assumed was the head of the Prep clique, the dead giveaway being the pristine Aquaberry sweater vest ironed to perfection, that clung to his built torso. The leader of the Nerds was a jittery mess in the common space, arms flailing around frantically as words spluttered out of his mouth. But yet, one person was missing from the meeting.

"Shouldn't Johnny be here?" She whispered, earning only a shrug in response.

A burst of laugher erupted from the boys, Jimmy Hopkin's making his presence known as his guffaws echoed in the room.

"You should leave your mark on City Hall!" The Nerd exclaimed, peering over the top of his half-moon glasses that slid down his nose.

"I'm guessing you don't know who the leaders are?" Eden nodded at Pete's question. "The guy wearing Aquaberry is Derby Harrington. His dad is really rich, pays a lot of bribes- I mean, donations to the school. Ted Thompson, he's with the Jocks. That Nerd is Earnest Jones-"

"I know who he is," She cut him off, bowing her head with a deep glower at the said teen. "He's the one that had that 'great plan' which involved James taking photos of Mandy."

Pete remained silent at this, rubbing his clammy palms together awkwardly before scuttling off to stand beside Jimmy. Eden on the other hand clasped her hands behind her back, leaning comfortably on the wide doorframe. The group failed to notice her as they chattered away about leaving a 'mark' on City Hall. Drowning out their incessant chatter, she couldn't help but think about a certain sociopath waiting for her. 'I can't wait to get back to my dorm and spend some time with him. Gary's been so lovey-dovey and cute with me ever since the carnival, I want to take full advantage of this. Before he goes back to being his jerky self'

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