Chapter Thirty-Four: Impending

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The stiff fabric of her white school shirt scratched her skin, as Eden slipped her long arms through it. The Bullworth Academy crest beamed proudly upon her chest. She slipped the translucent buttons through the holes, buttoning up her shirt and trying her best to ignore Gary's eyes boring into the back of her skull. Looping the last button through, she spun around on her heel, raising an eyebrow at her boyfriend.

"Enjoying the view, are we?" 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He replied playfully, chuckling at her little pout. "By the way, if you come back after class, I'm not going to be here."

"How come, love?" She asked, plopping herself down on her bed.

"My brilliant mind has created a plan! And, it's got to be put into action." A cocky smirk grew on his lips as he spoke, his arrogance unmatched.

"Do explain." Eden pushed, rolling her plain white socks up along her sun-kissed legs.

"Imagine this. The Preps vs  The Greasers, in an all-out brawl!" Gary bounded off his chair, practically bouncing around the room in excitement.

"Ah, I see..."

"I convinced Tad to lead the preps over to New Coventry later on. Johnny will be there waiting with the rest of those grease bags."

Eden blinked blankly up at her boyfriend. "And... what exactly would all this accomplish?"

He froze, scratching the back of his neck, his eyes honing in on the exposed skin of her thighs. "The two cliques would beat each other down, both broken and weak. Pliable. Then I swoop in like a hungry eagle, eat up their submissions and offer them a resolution to all their problems! Beating Jimmy."

She shyly tugged her skirt down, regarding him with a curious gaze. "I don't really see how that will work though. If anything, they would be more focused on each other and less on Jimmy."

"That's the best I've got so far, do you have anything better?"

Eden sighed, jumping up from her comfy silk covers and striding over to the door. Slipping on her leather loafers, she hummed in thought, musing over the situation. 'With what happened yesterday afternoon, I really need to show Gary that I'm here for him. That I'm supporting him. He helped me, so I should do the same.'

"Look at it this way Gary." She began, returning to his side. "Wouldn't it be more beneficial to just get Jimmy involved in the fight itself?"

"You're gonna have to explain it a bit more."

"Get Jimmy involved in the brawl, somehow. It shouldn't be too hard. He jumps at the chance to beat up anyone..." Eden held her chin in thought. "Lola Lombardi."

"Lola? What about her?" Gary's face scrunched up in disdain, the thought of the promiscuous girl sullying his face.

"Well I suppose, it would be very smart if a scheming mastermind, such as yourself..." She wrapped her arms around his chest, reeling him in close. "Convinced Lola to seduce Jimmy into fighting."

Gary hummed in thought. "Would that really work?"

"Men are weak to the charms of a woman."

The idea pacified Gary, as he lovingly pecked the side of her temple. "Not a bad idea, princess. Not bad at all. I should ask for your opinion more often."

"That, you should."

"Do me favour and don't go anywhere near New Coventry. The last thing I need is for you to get involved."

Eden's eyes fell downcast at his words, glazing over with hurt. Her teeth sunk down onto her squishy tongue, desperately holding back the words she wanted to scream out. 'I can take care of myself, I'm not a baby. That's what I should say. I'm a lot stronger than he thinks. But, all I've shown to him is that I am weak. Crying constantly, like a baby...'

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