Chapter Nineteen: Regret, Regret

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"Gary, you're going to love me after this!" Eden promptly greeted, slamming her bedroom door behind her and hastily locking it.

"Oh, this better be good." The exhausted teenage boy replied, his form slumped over in the wooden chair.

Gary sat before her, perched on top of her bed as usual. His mocha hair was an unruly mop, stands flopping on his face. Bleary-eyed, he was weary with the burden of long-closed eyes. So much so, he could pull off a zombie costume if it were Halloween again. The buttons on the shirt had been done up in the wrong holes, giving off the aura of frantic disarray. The aura had subsided into the bed he sat on, papers scattered about him.

"Love, your shirt," Eden whispered, a frown ever-present upon her rosy lips.

His umber eyes shone brightly in the dim light of the bedroom, but without their usual twinkle of wickedness. She glided over to him, silent and serene, like a slinking panther sneaking up on its prey. His gaze met hers and he eyed his dishevelled form. He grumbled in a low tone and waved his hand dismissively. He was too worn out to even bother trying to look presentable.

Eden's frown deepened, feeling her guts churn as though ounces of cement had been pumped into them. She stood in front of him. She tipped his head up, forcing her to stare unwillingly into her disappointed eyes. This was her fault, the way he was now. It disheartened her to see him like this. She was meant to be taking care of him, and she was failing him. 'I'm so pathetic.' 

She leaned down and silently fixed Gary's shirt, not uttering a single word. Soft breaths escaped her nostrils as if it were her unique art form, the sedative sound leaving her body like a lullaby.

"Thank you," Gary croaked out, his lips slid upwards into a small smile at the shorter girl's actions.

His smile immediately melted her heart as did the little crinkle in the corner of his eyes. His smile was infectious, urging Eden to capture her joy in a single, small smile. He cleared his throat, holding himself back from reeling her into his arms and kissing all the sense out of her.

"So, what's the good news?"

"Ah, that's right!" Eden plopped down on her silken comforter, feeling like she was sitting on a billowing cloud. "Jimmy, he's going to the Glass Jaw Gym to try and make the preppies, and I quote, 'submit' to him."

It took a second or two for the new information to sink in, a blank expression even daring to cross his finely sculptured face. But once Gary finally realised what she said, he couldn't help but grin stupidly. He felt as though someone doused his insides with kerosene and lit him up, adrenaline and blood pumping swiftly through his veins. Nature's own natural high sent him soaring into the sky.

"Really now?"

"Yes. My guess is that he's going to fight them in that tournament you mentioned yesterday."

"Why won't he just submit to me?" He grumbled out exasperatedly, gritting his teeth in displeasure.

"Your guess is as good as mine," She muttered smoothly, watching the flare of anger that crossed his face calm down slightly. "I'll be able to know more tonight."

"How come?"

"Speak of, I need to get freshen up." She murmured to herself, stepping over to her wardrobe.

"Freshen up for what, Eden?"

"I'm going there with him, we're leaving the academy at five." She explained with her back facing him, pulling her hair out of its bun, an avalanche of dark chocolate curls that came tumbling down her back.

"Like hell you are!" His holler reverberated in the room like a clap of thunder, the sheer volume making Eden flinch.

"Excuse me?" She sputtered out, irritation boiling deep in her guts as hot as lava.

"Bif is going to be there, of course. There's no way you're going there."

"Gary, Jimmy is going to be with me. Besides, I am clearly able to take care of myself," The flame of annoyance was smouldering in her narrowed eyes, as she silently doubted herself. "I knocked him unconscious once, much to my dismay, but I can and will do it again."

"Uh, let me think about that," Gary held his chin in mock thought, earning a huff from her. "No."

"I need to support Jimmy, there's going to be no one cheering him on."

"And I care because?" He questioned and rose shakily to his unsteady feet, shuffling steadily over to her bed. "You should be supporting your boyfriend, not his rival."

"I'm supporting my best friend, Gary."

"Such a good friend, right? Didn't do a single thing when he heard you got beat up by Bif."

Eden folded her arms defiantly, she refused to back down. "Jimmy is like an older brother to me. The only reason he didn't touch Bif was because I begged him not to! He was ready to rip him apart with his bare hands, Gary. I'm not going to let this stupid little competition you two idiots have, ruin my friendship with him or my relationship with you. And you as my, 'oh-so loving' boyfriend, should support my decision and not act immature about it!"

Shock registered on Gary's face before he could hide it. Her rant left him speechless. She revelled in the delicious moment, his face a blank slate. His brain kicked into overtime, cogs turning as fast as they could to come up with an answer.

That answer came in the form of the impressed grin that crept onto his luscious lips. He couldn't help but be slightly proud of her for speaking her mind, even if it was to tell him off.

"You better come back here in one piece. And if I find out Bif tried anything, I'm going to sort him out myself."

A slow beam spread over her once angered features and she rushed back over to him, leaping onto the bed. Gary groaned at the throb of blinding white pain that shot up his leg but instead wordlessly gritted his teeth, holding himself back from shouting at her.

"I won't let him, Gary," Eden reassured, pressing her lips up against his.

Gary sighed contently into the kiss, weaving his arms around her waist. "You are driving me insane, Eden."

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