Chapter Twenty: Pain and Blood

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"Nice to see you again, Eden." The snide preppy Gord greeted, cockily smirking down at the wealthy girl before him.

She nodded and smiled politely at the arrogant boy, flicking her mess of curls over her shoulder. "Nice to see you again too, Gord. I hope your day has been pleasant."

"Ah, yes it has been, thank you. What made you come and watch the tournament?" He questioned, watching with a curious gaze in his eyes as Eden crossed her legs, staring right back at him intently from her seat on the bench.

Unbeknown to Eden, Gord thoroughly enjoyed talking to her whenever he could. He knew about the situation with Bif, hell almost the entire school knew about it, but to be honest, he could care less. So long as she was in one piece so that they could share a good conversation together. Eden was a breath of fresh air to him, unlike anyone he'd ever come across in all his years of living in Bullworth.

Eden on the other hand could definitely do without having to speak to Gord. Speaking to him, reminded her of who she was. Eden Milenko. She had to speak to him as the daughter of the Milenko's, not as just herself. The manner she acted herself in was a reflection of the way she was raised. Therefore, the higher she carries herself, the higher her status was.

Students and members of the public slowly trickled into the Glass Jaw Boxing Gym, thickening the crowd that surrounded the pair. It was the 'tournament of the century' and they were eager for bloodshed.

"I came to cheer Jimmy on." She rose her voice slightly. 

"Ah, how lovely. Wouldn't you be cheering for Bif?" Gord savoured the way her eyebrow rose in irritation at his question.

"Not at all. To be frank, I would rather jump off a cliff headfirst than be in his presence."

A wicked grin spread across his lips, his eyes filled with joy as he let out a chuckle. "How sad."

Eden felt a tinge of pride that the preppy beside her liked her little taunt, a giggle leaving her lips. She averted her gaze to inside the boxing ring, where Jimmy and Chad Morris, another preppy,  stood both in boxing getups. She let out an exasperated sigh, hauling herself to her trembling legs. To say she was scared for Jimmy was a complete understatement, she was losing her mind over it. She bounced her knee, anxiety tugging at her mind. Eden had a bad feeling about this whole thing.

"Hit me hard and my daddy sues!" Chad forewarned as if his statement was going to steer away the headstrong Jimmy.

"You better run home to your daddy right then!" He mocked, as the bell to start the fight sounded.

The tall teenager hastily whipped around, facing away from the boxing ring. She didn't think she could stomach seeing any more blood, the frogs from biology class a few hours earlier, still haunting her. Eden choked down the rising bile, digging her finely manicured nails into her palm. Her teeth sunk into her tongue, holding back to words she so badly wanted to scream.

She didn't want Jimmy to fight. She didn't want Jimmy to risk becoming seriously injured. The jubilant crowd that surrounded her, dressed in dishevelled uniforms, were shouting and hollering incessantly towards the two teenagers inside the fighting ring. Nothing would pacify them other than the beautiful sight of blood. A guttural, disgusted groan escaped her plump lips at the mere thought of blood.

'I need to throw up.'

She glanced over at Gord, who was too caught up in the fight to notice her pale face. She drowned out his cheers and scampered away from the scene, pushing and shoving in an effort to escape the crowd. Her arms wrapped around her body, waves of nausea adding to the sickening feeling of her stomach lurching with every step she dared to take.

Suddenly, Eden was grabbed. A burly arm coiled itself around her waist. She gasped, mouth open ready to let out a yell. A hand covered her mouth, almost as if reading her thoughts. An animalist growl snarled against her ear. Paralyzing fear spread throughout her body like icy, liquid mercury, flowing through her bloodstream. She struggled against the unknown assailant, raking her nails down his arms. The man grabbed held her wrists in a single hand, ushering her over to the bathroom. She cried out, struggling against his vice grip and he shoved her into the girl's bathroom.

She stumbled on the pristine tiles, unsteady on her own two feet. The man shoved her, pushing her straight onto the ground with a gruesome crack echoing in the tiny bathroom. Pain danced throughout her mind, coloured spots flashing in front of her eyes and blurring her vision. Blinding white agony shot up from her shoulder, spreading like hives over her body. Eden hissed at the feeling, winching as she writhed on the floor. She grasped her shoulder, raising her trembling body to face her attacker.

"Bif, you asshole!" Her shriek was a booming back, unintentionally making the infuriated man before her flinch.

"I've got you right where I want you now, Eden." The boxer chuckled darkly, his eyes wide as they scanned her trembling form. "No Gary to save you now, sunshine!"

The pain was like an icy wind and it plucked all the air from her lungs. Her right arm ached.

"You're going to regret this, Bif!"

His leg darted out and he landed a solid kick to Eden's face, revelling in the scream that dragged out of her throat. Her scream was so unique to him. It sounded nothing like the nerd's howls, nor did it sound anything like the screeches straight from a horror movie. No, it was much, much worse. Eden's cry of pain held raw quality to it, possessing the realness of a person being slowly consumed by a pain that knew no limit nor no end.

Blood. It dribbled forth from her nose like a river, dripping down her cupid's bow and lips. Her skin was dyed a revolting shade of crimson. Shock spurred throughout her system like wildfire, intertwining with pain, condensing into the trembles that shook her body. Her nails clasped at the tiles, scuffing her nails in a desperate search for something to grip, something to support her. 

Her sobs were stifled. She refused to give Bif the pleasure of breaking her down, her frame shaking wildly. The pain crawled up her throat incessantly, releasing her lips in the form of a silent scream, her fist pounding down onto the tiles.

"Poor little Eden." Bif taunted, a delighted smirk dancing on his lips.

Blood mixed with tears, marring her face.

The world Eden found herself trapped in was slowly turning a blur, his voice beginning to fade into background noise, along with the distant sounds of the tournament fighting mere feet away. Her tongue stung, her teeth had clamped down harshly on her tongue from the force of Bif's kick. Blood built upon her mouth. She spat it out, the merlot liquid splattering on his fine pressed slacks and loafers. Bif's expression darkened, but he said nothing, observing as Eden swayed back and forth.

The taste of blood, the metallic scent of it. 

The pain that devoured her face and her shoulder. 

The blood, the pain, it all consumed her mind as every second ticked by. 

Everything darkened into nothingness as she shut her eyes, falling back down onto the now blood-stained tiles beneath her. The last thing she saw before passing into unconsciousness, was Bif Taylor's arrogant smirk.

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