Chapter Fifty-Eight: Mission Passed

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Heavy labour breathing sliced through the thick, stagnant air, followed closely by the methodical squeaking of sneakers kissing the grimy tiled flooring. Eden and Jimmy ran at a gruelling pace without complaint, the intense humidity of the seemingly maze-like asylum trapping them like caged rats, sending them into a suffocating spiral descent. Sweat trickled down Eden's sun-kissed skin, a salty bead rolling down her temple. Her skin felt as though she was back at the gym, her skin scorching hot and her arm throbbing relentlessly as she silently grovelled in pain. Except this time, there was no pain. Jimmy's new orderly uniform, slick with perspiration, clung to his skin like a glove, begging to be peeled off. The two rounded a corner, their legs aching and pleading to rest. They stood before the eerie door that bleakly read 'Control Room' in a large font, the two simple words sending waves of shivers shooting down their spines.

"About time, this uniform is so annoying." The stocky teenager groaned loudly in irritation, the noise bouncing off the walls as he tugged at his collar.

"Please, just deal with it for now," Eden whispered in a hushed tone, her emerald orbs frantically scanning their surroundings. "Find the switch and open up Johnny's cell, Jimmy."

"What number was his cell again?"

Her porcelain features visibly blanched, wracking her mind for an answer. "It was twenty-three, I believe."

Jimmy shrugged carelessly at her response before straightening up his form, his body reeking of confidence and superiority. He sized up the door, shoulders straight and fists clenched. He stormed through, the pitiful door letting out a horrific creak at the sudden shove. She watched with keen eyes as the door closed in front of her, Jimmy's short form disappearing into the room of switches and buttons. Eden let out a breath she did not realise she was holding as she moved to rest beside the door, the cool tiles pressing up against her back. 'What a day.' An audible sigh let her lips in a huff as she ran her fingers through her chocolate curls, swishing the mane back and forth. Eden was stressed, she was agitated. She wanted nothing more than to scamper back to her dorm and curl up in her fine silk covers, maybe nibble on some cookies. 'Who knows, maybe if Gary is in the mood we could-' Her heart skipped a beat or two. The mere mention of the sociopath's name sent her heart into a thumping frenzy. 'I miss him... so, so much. And I know I shouldn't, it's not in the Milenko nature to do so. Poker face, poker face, poker face.'

An ear-piercing and mind-numbing siren blared deafeningly through the speakers, followed soon after by a unison creak of an unknown object. Her eyes widened like saucers as screeches and hollers started filling the hallways, her knees threatening to buckle at the gripping fear that paralysed her body. Jimmy opened the door beside her and stepped out of the control room, eyebrows furrowed deeply in concentration.

"What did you do Jimmy?"



"I opened all the cells."

Eden focused her attention on the cell doors, as inmates came stumbling out of their rooms. 'This is not good.' She grabbed Jimmy's wrist in a vice grip and they resumed running once more, their worn-out lungs jump-starting again. The run there was much quicker thankfully, as they narrowly dodged the drugged out and insane patients that build up the alumni of the Happy Volts Asylum.

"Eden, Jim!" Johnny's familiarly honey-sweet voice hollered above the chaos, effectively gaining their attention.

"Johnny, are you okay?" Eden questioned, eyes skimming his form in search of any wounds.

"I'm fine, angel." The nickname flowed off his tongue effortlessly and he barely noticed his, his gaze elsewhere.

She felt her cheeks heat up despite the horrific situation that the trio had found themselves in, clearing her throat rather loudly. "We need to get out of here before the orderlies put this whole place on lockdown!"

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