Chapter Twenty-Four: Little Miss Abby

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How is it that just a single statement, could cause her insides to stir? Turmoil to thrash around within her? Eden stood wordlessly in the teeth-chattering cold, body as rigid as a tree stump. Miss Abby was long gone, retreating back to the warmth of her New Coventry apartment, leaving the teenager on the snow-covered sidewalk. Thoughts whirled and twirled around Eden's brain. A part of her wished she never spoke to the elderly woman. A part of her wished she never suggested she and Gary go for a walk. 'I need to talk to him...'

"What the hell Eden?"

Gary's familiar disgruntled voice hollered from afar, shaking Eden out of her thoughts.

"Where the hell is your jacket?"

"I-I..." The bitter wind laughed at Eden, sending another breeze to smack against her body. "O-old lady was c-cold."

"You're going to freeze to death, you moron!" He hastily peeled off his coat, slinging it on her shoulders. "You're so lucky I wore so many damn layers."

"You only d-did that cause I made you."

"Shut it."

'See Bif, you little bitch? Are you watching? I just know you are. I know you can see us, hear us, from where your rat ass is hiding in that alleyway. You were wrong about my girl.'

Gary wrapped his arms around her, reeling her in for a tight embrace. She sunk into the warmth of his body but yet, couldn't move a single inch. In the winter wasteland, Eden found herself rooted to the ground. She was frozen, like the glassy puddles that surrounded the couple. Not feeling Eden's usual vice grip coiling around him, he pulled back and studied her.

'Had she seen Bif? Did she hear our conversation?'

Her eyes were locked onto Gary's, their gaze almost unbreakable. "Eden?"

"I spoke to Miss Abby."

An unknown emotion flashed across his face. Was it anger? Distress? Fear? Gary's gaze grew cold, gnawing at her insides like a hungry rat seeking food.


A frown marred her bluish lips and she snaked her hand down, intertwining her icy fingers with his. "You know who, love..."

An irritated groan left his lips, mentally cursing the winter day away. A stern glare pierced the ground beneath them, the glare blazing so ferociously, that he could have burnt a solid hole through the snow. He couldn't look Eden in the eyes. He didn't know what Miss Abby had said to her, but knowing the old hag, it was of course wasn't anything good. 'I just won Eden over. She just snapped out of what happened to her. Now that old bitch has ruined it all.'

His pulse was banging deafeningly in his ears, heartbeat throbbing wildly as a bead of sweat dripped down his temple.

"And... what did she say?" He hesitantly asked in a cowardly whisper.

His stomach lurched in fear.

Eden's grip tightened. "Let's head back to the dorm, we'll talk there."


A quick little thank you to all that support this story, thank you very much for encouraging me to continue writing! Vote and comment! <3

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