Chapter Sixty-Three: Witch Unmasked

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Eden's emerald orbs were fierce, a shamrock flame ignited within them as she glared coldly down at the notebook she was reading her notes from. The words seemed to blur together, her page-turning into a mash of black splatters on a plain white page. She massaged her throbbing temples, her eyes blinking rapidly to restore her vision. Eden knew it was hopeless, there was no way she could concentrate. She leaned back in her stiff cherry wooden chair, her eyes flickering up to the ceiling. 'I wonder if he's okay...' She stifled a yawn, rubbing at her bleary eyes.

A frown marred her lips as she forced her gaze back down to her desk, her eyes trailing upon the fine wood. A crack was evident at the corner of the table, near one of her three photo frames. She remembered the exact moment Gary's fist came slamming down onto the desk, pure and unfiltered rage flickering in his honey orbs. 'I miss him... Does he miss me? I need to stop, I need to focus on studying. Is he studying too?' A blaring ringing sounded interrupted her incessant incoherent thoughts, effectively breaking her train of thought. She grabbed her phone, not bothering to glance at the caller's identification before answering it.

"Hello, Eden Milenko speaking,"

"Good morning my dear, how are you?"

A grin instantly spread across her lips, her dad's deep voice floating through the phone and igniting a comforting warmth in her core. "I'm alright dad, yourself?"

"Well," He drawled out, his chest reverberating as a deep chuckle bubbled up from his throat. "I am married to your mum, which should be enough of an explanation. Now, tell me about this fight,"

The teenager visibly blanched, anxiously playing with her pen in her hands. "It is complicated,"

"Spectacular, do proceed,"

"Well," She drawled out in a teasing manner, much like her dad did moments ago. "This pompous brat has been dreadful, annoying me and trying to stir a ruckus with me at every chance she gets. And well, she mentioned my ex-boyfriend and I lost control and launched myself at her,"

"Boyfriend? Wait, ex-boyfriend?" Her dad echoed, shock evident in his tone. "Since when?"

"We were together for quite a while however, school drama sprung up and one thing led to another and, he broke up with me,"

Her dad hummed and Eden could just imagine him sitting at his pristine and organised desk, holding his chin deep in thought as he mused over the new information he had garnered. "Do you love this boy?"

"I do,"

"Well Eden, I am incredibly disappointed in you," He paused for a brief moment, just as Eden's heart had already begun to sink. "You lost the boy that you love? Do we, as the Milenko family, ever lose? No, we do not. You better get that boy of yours back,"

She whimpered, despite her heart soaring high above the sky. "It is not that easy dad, it is going to take time,"

"Time waits for no man Eden. Next time I call, I better have the chance to congratulate this boy on winning a fine girl such as my daughter,"

"Dad!" She whined, her cheeks becoming dusted taffy pink.

"Is that Eden?" A shrill voice could be heard screeching in the background of her dad's call, the voice urging the said girl's heart to skip a beat.

Rustling and the sound of hushed whispers could faintly be picked up upon through the phone's speakers, as Eden's mother took control of the conversation. Her mother was the last person the teenager wanted to speak to, especially at this moment in time.

"Eden, why on earth have you changed so much?" Alyssa Milenko pried, eager to be provided with an answer.

'What, no 'hello'? No, 'good morning Eden'? No, 'I heard you were in a fight, what happened and are you okay'? No. Just simply, why have I changed? I'll tell you exactly why.'

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