Chapter Thirty-Five: The Rumble

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Emerald eyes scanned the bustling surroundings before her, a content smile growing upon the tall teenager's lips. Bullworth students chatted animatedly, cars drove past with a quiet hum of their engines as snow glittered down from the heaven's above. Everyone by now had gotten used to the bone-chilling wrath of Jack Frost, wearing fewer layers and throwing fewer snowballs. The attractive teenager stood before the entrance to Bullworth Academy, clad in her gym uniform with a simple jacket slipped on top.

Gym class was pretty fun, much to her bewilderment. 'Even though that wretched Burton is a complete pervert, it was still a fun class. He was focused on Jimmy and some nerd wrestling, so everyone was left to pretty much go off on their own and find something to do. I wish they would put that pool to good use, I love swimming.' She hummed quietly to herself, absentmindedly stretching her muscles.

'A little run can do my body good. I've been letting go more so than usual.' She mentally sniggered down at herself in disdain, feeling disgusted as her eyes trailed down to her chubby figure. 'Shut up and run, Eden. You can loathe yourself later.'

Eden sprinted at a comfortable pace in the direction of Bullworth Town, her sneakers kissing the ground as though she were simply born to run. Her chocolate curls whipped back and forth eagerly in a tight ponytail, the ends slapping her cheek. The chilly winter breeze collided into her frame, taunting her exposed midriff and chest. She refused to falter, even in the slightest. 'These feet, they were made to run. They were made to sprint. I am a panther and these are my paws... I am never saying that out loud.'


The said girl skirted to a halt, sneakers squeaking to a stop. She panted, whipping around to face the husky voice that called out to her. It was none other than Johnny Vincent. Perched upon a gleaming sitting bike, he sat languidly. Thick, hickory brown hair stuck to his face with sweat, his broad chest heaving up and down with every breath he took.

"That you, Eden?" He questioned again, walnut eyes glancing her figure up and down.

"My eyes are up here." A pale pink sheen dusted her cheeks, a giggle leaving her throat through laboured breaths. "And yes, it is I."

"Sorry, sorry. I just ain't seen you like that before. You lookin' real fine." He ran his fingers through his luscious locks as he spoke, a lopsided grin growing on his lips.

"T-thank you." Eden wrapped her arms around herself shyly, cursing her reddened cheeks.

"Anyways, have you seen that jerk Tad?"

"Tad?" She hummed, tapping her chin in thought, a smooth lie popping into her mind. "Last I saw, he was heading over to New Coventry. Why, is everything okay?"

"Those Preppy jerks are gonna get their ass beat." He growled out, irritation seeping off him as he smashed his fist against his open palm. "Wanna come with?"

"Oh, uh... I really shouldn't." Eden trailed off, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.

"C'mon," Johnny whined. "Just for you, I'm gonna beat the living hell out of that prick, Bif."

'That's something I can't resist... but Gary, he'll be so furious if he finds out I'm there, nonetheless hanging around Johnny... Jimmy. He's going to be there. Hm... little old me has an idea.'

Eden nodded eagerly, barely able to contain her excitement. "You've got me there. I'll come, I need to support you, now don't I?"

A chuckle bubbled up from his throat, the melodic sound dripping with honey. "Damn straight, you better, sunshine."

'Undeniably, I feel guilty for going against Gary like this. I know he doesn't want me to get involved in this but, I need to... I need to support Jimmy. He has no clue what he's walking into.'

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