Chapter Fifty-Four: Found

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Flames rose into the afternoon sky, orange-gold hues stretching far and wide, the colours of blossoming tangerines. The gym was up in flames, plumes of smoke billowing from every opening like a fiery furnace. Heat tainted the stagnant air like a scorching fever, each breath charring the student's lungs. The crackles of flames, the creaking and groaning of timber and the cries for help - it was like a scene straight out of a movie.

Mandy Wiles was in a daze, hollow eyes glazed over with pain. A whimper left her lips, feeling Jimmy's grip tighten around her waist. Their cheeks were flushed a flaming red from the vehemence heat, perspiration spreading like growing maps down their backs as the two hobbled out of the gym.

Slamming the doors open was like stepping into another world entirely. Students were running around the courtyard with teary eyes, tending to their fallen friends. Mr Burton stood out the front, a blank gaze fastened to his gym, his home, burning into a pit of rubble. 

"Eden..." Mandy murmured in a feeble tone. "She's..."

Jimmy's head snapped down to face her. "Eden, what about her?"

"She's... in there. Still, there..."

His eyes widened, panic surging through him. "What? Where is she?"

"T-the pool..."

A swear fell from his lips in a low tone. The one day he chose to skip gym class and all hell breaks loose, the gymnasium contorting into Dante's inferno. 

"Casey, come grab Mandy!" Jimmy yelled out. 

The Jock sprinted other wordlessly, immediately draping her arm across his broad shoulders. Without another word, Jimmy darted back into the gym. He was sprinting like a madman towards the pool area, taking the stairs two at a time. Fear gripped him and threatened to unman him, not another ounce of emotion flowing through him except for blind terror.

A manic cackle sliced through the air, coming directly from the girl's locker room. Jimmy crept towards the source. Suddenly, a blur of orange and blur smashed into him. He was knocked straight to the ground, gasping for air as his back slammed against the tiles. The stocky teenager forced his eyes to snap open.

A man stared down at him, pale skin marred with smears of soot and charcoal. Every inch of him was covered in dirt, from his aquamarine sneakers up all the way up to his brown buzz cut. A twisted grin spread across his lips and he waved around a light, in a tantalising way.

"Outta my way, schoolboy!" The pyromaniac hollered in a loud bellow before taking off.

"Whatever, man," Jimmy murmured to himself, shakily bringing himself to his feet.

All he wanted to do was lie on the ground and wallow in pain. The untameable smoke just kept on coming without an ending near in sight. His carob eyes were glassy and burning badly, a stinging sensation spreading across his pupils. The scent of burning wood, plastic and adhesive seared his very nostrils.

'I need to find her, damn it!' Coughs spluttered from his lips, hacking up soot. The undulating black shroud of smoke grew thicker as he approached the pool area. It was becoming harder and harder to breathe, the air threatening to choke him with every strangled gasp of air. Entering the area, watery eyes scanned the room. 

Eden was nowhere to be seen. Not a single glimmer of her emerald eyes or flail of her chocolate curls to be seen. Jimmy's eyes fell on the pool, an unmistakable sense of dread filling him. Unsteady on his feet, the teenager staggered towards the pit. He peered over the edge.

Fear flooded his very being, panic seizing his brain as all colour drained from his face. He had found her. Her body was there, laying like a broken marionette at the deep end of the pool, completely motionless. Jimmy jumped over the edge. His ankles screamed out in resentment at him, piercing pain shooting up his legs. He groaned but carried on, lumbering over to her fallen body.

Chocolate locks stuck to her skin, framing her face. Half of her gym uniform was drenched, soaked by a small puddle of water that surrounded her. Her skin was cold to the touch and had turned a sickening shade of blueish-purple. Pained whimpers escaped her lips, which too were painted with a blue hue. Jimmy dropped to his knees before her, reeling her into his arms. Water saturated his slacks, sending shivers throughout his body.

"Eden, hey! Eden!" He called out, squeezing her trembling body.

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open. Tears shimmered in her emerald eyes. They were frozen over, like an icy winter puddle. Gone was any hint of emotion. They were blank and dull. They gaze up at Jimmy's face, more tremors wracking through her body. 

Eden was alive. Her face contorted to match his, stress scrunching up her features. She blinked, a tear streaking down her cheek.

"M-my..." She couldn't think properly let alone speak, as her lips quivered. "Shoulder, m-my..."

Before the teenage girl could finish her sentence, blinding agony seared her body faster than she could blink. Her eyes furrowed at the feeling, a deep ache throbbing through her bones. Prickles of pain shot through her shoulder, making half her body stiff and numb to the touch. 

Not waiting for a rebuttal, Jimmy picked her up bridal style. Stumbling up the ramp, he held her tight to his chest. With every step he took, another wave of agony washed over her. 

"J-Jimmy, slow..." Eden's voice was tight as she spoke, fisting his shirt.

"Sorry, I gotta get us out of here. Just hold on tight, Eden."

He threw her an apologetic look before sprinting towards the exit. The girl in his arms stifled a cry, laying like dead weight in his arms. There she lay, silently praying for an end to her suffering. Before they knew it, Jimmy was bursting out through the gym doors, the force sending them slamming against the wall.

Mr Burton, Mandy and a few other Jocks were waiting for them, their eyes instantly snapping onto them. The head cheerleader let out a pitiful sob and rushed over, while Jimmy slowly helped Eden to her feet. Her body swayed side to side, knees freckling to buckle beneath her as she grabbed his soot-ridden shirt.

"Ah Hopkins, there you are!" Mr Burton yelled out, running over to them.

"Oh my gosh, Eden!" Mandy cried in a shrill shriek, hugging her friend tight.

She clenched her teeth and let out a hiss as another pang of pain hit her. Her friend pulled back a little, a look of confusion crossing her face.

"My shoulder..." Eden drawled out in an airy tone. "I think it's b-broken."

"Ah well, the school nurse can sort that out! What happened to your uniform?" Mr Burton spoke up, greedy eyes perversely eyeing up her see-through outfit.

"I'll take you!" Mandy offered, hastily wrapping an arm around her waist.

"You'll need some help." Jimmy chimed in, throwing Eden's good arm over his shoulder.

Emerald eyes swarmed with unshed tears as the trio staggered over in the direction of the nurse's office. 'I need to be with Gary...'

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