Chapter Thirty-Nine: Decisions, Decisions.

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With each stride the tall teenager took, the more clearer her mind became. Slowly but surely, the fog within her mind dissipated. Answers revealed to her burning questions, statements once blurry with uncertainty were as clear as day. Only in the blazing light of the sun, where ore-gold hues stemmed with such vivified passion, could one could clear their mind. Green arrowhead leaves fluttered through the soft breeze, rustling the trees and swaying the grass.

The breeze brought along with it clean, fresh air. It was the kinda air that energised people, urged their blood that streamed through their systems to speed up, pumping their hearts with much-needed adrenaline. Eden Milenko's luxurious curls flittered elegantly in the air, tight chocolate ringlets swirling in mystifying shapes through the chilly breeze.

The Girl's Dormitory grew closer and closer, the sight one she had longed for. Her impromptu study session with Pete left her longing for her bed, more than ever. Despite his small stature - he was a ball of energy. He certainly was too cool to be a dork, but too dorky to be anything else. The concrete archway leading to the dorm cast a soft shadow on her, a brief break from the sun's steaming rays.

A figure standing at the front of the dorm caught her eye. Eden's breath hitched in her throat. Her heart must've skipped at least five beats at the sight.

Johnny Vincent.

He was casually standing there, without a care in the world, glancing around seemingly in search of something. Or rather, someone. His leather jacket and Bullworth vest were slung carelessly over his shoulder, leaving him in his scrunched up school shirt. Tan muscles flexed under the white fabric, long sleeves rolled up to his biceps to only further show off his fine physique. Under the sun's fierce rays, glistened a fine sheen of sweat upon his forehead, beads of sweat trickling down his narrow bone structure. It trickled down until it reached his jawline, which was sharp enough to cut through a five-class steak.

Eden's emerald eyes hastily averted to the ground, feeling a shameful, fuming heat take over her cheeks. She was blushing, evidently so, her sun-kissed complexion dusted a light taffy colour. She was eyeing him out. The thought irritated her greatly, making her grit her teeth. Regret was the only emotion that consumed her mind for the past twelve days. Regret and guilt, shame perhaps. 

In those twelve days, she still couldn't find it in her heart to confess the kiss to Gary. She had no courage to do it. Now seeing Johnny standing there, so casually and carefree, made her heart ache terribly.

Eden dropped her head, chocolate curls creating a veil around her face. She refused to spend another second in the Greaser's presence. Her loafers squeaked against the pavement as she stalked forward, desperate to reach the dorm doors and hide away under her covers. Under her veil, she could faintly see Johnny's grey cladded legs face her.

"Eden." Her name fell in a soft whisper from his lips.

He took a step towards her. Eden's heart fluttered wildly within her, diving down into her stomach. She ignored him, skipping up the first step to the dorm. A rough hand grasped her wrist, tugging her back to eye-level with Johnny. Their eyes met.

"We oughta talk."

"There's nothing to talk about." She retorted, trying to wriggle her hand free.

Johnny shook his head disapprovingly at her. He stayed silent, sliding his hand down to hers, intertwining their fingers together. He tugged her, without uttering a single sound, as he led her over to the side entrance to the Girl's Dormitory. Eden whimpered, struggling against his vice grip.

"Johnny, let me go! I don't want to talk!" She continued in a hushed tone.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears, planting a hand on his arm to shrug him off her. Johnny growled below his breath at the action, a sensual husky snarl that sent waves of pleasant shivers washing across her body. Eden groaned softly at the noise, momentarily stunned by it. In that moment, the Greaser grabbed both her wrists and flung her against the brick wall.

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