Chapter Sixty: The Trophies

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There she was, Eden Milenko. Jimmy's eyes had spotted her as he rode his bicycle throughout town and he immediately skidded to a halt, squinting to make sure it was actually the sun-kissed beauty. She was an incredibly curvy girl, with her wide hips that would sway hypnotically from side to side and ample breasts. She was too dissimilar from all of the monotonous girls here, which was a noteworthy attribution. Even in the way that she walked, the aura of elegance that followed her in her wake left many citizens of Bullworth turning their heads and doing a double-take. Jimmy's eyes were trained on her every move as he sat perched on his beaten-up bike. Eden's chocolate curls swayed wildly in the violent wind, as she treaded along the sidewalk with her head hanging down low.

Her head was as low as her thoughts, which incessantly tantalised her mind and were all revolving around a certain sociopath. 'Gary. Where is he? I'm worried sick about him. I want him here with me. I feel so powerless right now, I need Gary.' All Eden wanted to do was just sink to her knees and bawl her eyes out. She wanted to screech like a banshee and not care who was watching her. She had lost her boyfriend, the man to which she transferred all her love to. Now, he's gone. And now, she's hollow once again.

Jimmy abandoned his bike and came sprinting over to the crestfallen girl, his mouth open wide to holler out a greeting towards her. "Heya,"

Eden's head snapped up to face the stocky teenager, her emerald orbs glassy with tears she refused to shed. "Hey, Jimmy,"

"You okay?"

She hummed with a quick nod before turning her head upwards to eye the gloomy skies overhead. "It's going to rain soon,"

"Yeah..." He glanced up, his amber eyes in search of the sun. "What are you doing here?"

"Just taking a walk, I needed some fresh air. What about yourself?"

"I'm going to the boxing gym. Apparently, something happened to the preps and they need my help," Jimmy rolled his eyes, shoving his hands defiantly in his pockets.

"That doesn't sound too pleasant," She grimaced visibly, a deep frown planted upon her lips. "Is Bif going to be there, by any chance?"


"I would offer to come with you but..." She trailed off, her words dying mid-sentence as her gaze averted to the desolate street beside them.

"Yeah, I get it," The stocky teenager retorted brazenly under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest.

Her eyes remained fastened onto the road, a thousand or so thoughts streaming through her mind. She despised herself. Before arriving at Bullworth Academy, she was comfortable in her own body and abilities. Her mother hated her sure but, at least she still had her dad. Bullworth Academy stole her serenity and peaceful life. She used to walk around with her head held high and now... 'What happened to that sense of superiority I had? That pride? My parents are Ivan and Alyssa Milenko, two of the most heinous businessman and woman that this sorrowful country has ever seen. And here I am, cowering because of some pompous jerk?' Eden visibly clenched her fists, the skin turning a bone-chilling shade of ivory. 'Bif won't win. I won't let him.'

"On a second thought, I think I'll join you,"

A cheeky grin spread across Jimmy's lips, despite his eyes being wide with surprise. "Cool. It's a good thing that you were walking around here, we're just five minutes away,"

Eden hummed in acknowledgement and the pair started walking in the direction of the Glass Jaw Boxing Gym. Jimmy's mouth opened and closed rapidly as he was chatting the day away but not a single word was picked up by her ears. Eden's mind was swarming with thoughts as they strode down the desolate streets of Old Bullworth Vale. 'Never lose, never admit defeat. This is the Milenko family motto. I will never lose to Bif. Not now, not ever.' The Glass Jaw Boxing Gym came into their sight and immediately, anxiety began to braid itself within the depths of her stomach. She was nervous to say the very least. The mere thought of Bif springing on top of her and pummelling her, just as he had done to Ricky during the rumble, caused her heartbeat to speed up rapidly.

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