Chapter Thirty-Two: Steamy

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A grin was spread across Eden's lips and it refused to waver, even in the slightest. She was happy, feeling emotions beyond what the word could even begin to describe. A content sigh drawled from her plump lips, her fingers grasping the flimsy fabric of her silk nightgown. The satiny material caressed her sun-kissed skin with butterfly kisses, as she slipped it over her head and atop the bench nearby. The crisp early morning air drafted throughout the desolate bathroom, sending shivers shooting down Eden's bare body.

'It was so peaceful to wake up in Gary's arms, especially after what happened last night.' Her nimble fingers slithered underneath the waistband of her lace panties, sliding the piece of clothing down her legs. She whined, feeling the breeze glide between her thick thighs. Her soft soles padded almost soundlessly against the clean tiles, as she waddled over to a shower cubicle. Eden shut the door, draping her tower over it.

'Only I would decide to take a shower at 4 am. I'm going to be drained throughout today.' She grasped the shower handles, turning them at the same time.

Water erupted out from the showerhead, pouring down like a calming stream. It was hot, too hot. It was just right to Eden. The fountain of water cascading down over her aching body, dripping down her curvy body. Steam slowly but steadily filled the little cubicle, as she slowly disassociated. The droplets flowed through her chocolate curls, trickling down like an everlasting waterfall. Her vision grew blurry, and she fluttered them shut.

"A-ah..." A low hiss left her lips through gritted teeth, her croaky voice groaning softly.

Her hand shot up to grasp her shoulder. The blinding agony that once consumed her arm had slowly faded into a dull throb. Bif certainly did a number on her. He managed to pop her shoulder out of place. 'Nothing a quick hospital visit couldn't fix... it still hurt like no tomorrow.'

Eden felt the water spill off her aching shoulders and flow down her sides. Her mind slowly became mindful of the direction of the stream. With trembling fingers, she wrapped her arms around her waist, nervousness braiding itself in thick swirls within her weak stomach. Scars were scattered along the sides of her waist and along her lower back, seemingly without care or reason. Hundreds of dark pink snakes, slithering down her body. 

They served only a single purpose, to taunt Eden. To remind her that no matter how far she runs or how well she hides, Alyssa Milenko will always find her. 'I wore a dress, not to her liking, the belt. I took too long to get ready, the belt. I didn't pack my bags to her liking before coming to Bullworth - the belt. I couldn't even keep track of how many times she used it this year.'

Pat, pat, pat. The quiet padding of feet, scampering around the pristine tiled floor, pulled Eden out of her train of thought. No one in their right mind would have a shower this early in the morning. She opened her cubicle door, poking her head out. A muscular chest obscured her vision immediately. A gasp left her throat and she was pushed harshly back into the cubicle. 

"W-what the-" Shocked stutters barely managed to leave her lips, her cry barely heard above the running water.

She didn't have time to react. A shroud of impenetrable darkness covered the man's face, who forced his way into the cubicle. Eden's feet were struggling to get a good grip of the floor. She struggled, desperate to push the man away from her. Then, she slipped. Her hand darted out to grasp something to keep herself upright. 

Eden yelped, eyes squeezed shut, waiting to feel the cold tiles slam against her back. The man in front of her let out a choked gasp and gripped her tight, reeling her up by her arm. His arms snaked themselves around her body, his breath fluttering against Eden's lips. Her eyes whipped open. They then narrowed immediately. 'Gary bloody Smith.'

She staggered back, spinning around and covering her naked body.

"What on Earth are you doing Gary? Are you trying to give me a damn heart attack?" She questioned in a shrill tone.

"I think Peabody saw me, I ran straight in here." He gulped audibly after whispering those words.

"Mrs Peabody?"

"Yeah, I usually have showers at this time just to avoid her."

The heavy door that guarded the entrance to the girl's bathroom slowly creaked open, a booming shriek echoing throughout the room. Eden felt her breath hitch in her throat, fear tingling at the back of her throat, a feeling that she had become all too familiar with now. Heels clicked and clacked against the tiled flooring. The sound pierced the couple's ears, as it grew closer and closer. 

Gary shuffled closer towards the shower wall, Eden following suit. She was pressed up against the shower wall, his entire body against hers. Her heartbeat was pulsating so loudly, she swore Dr Crabblesnitch was blasting it over the intercom. A quiet whimper left her lips at the feeling of his body heat flush against her. His defined torso was pinned against her bareback, his constricted manhood beneath his boxers fitting nicely behind her rear. 'This is way too intimate. I've never been this close with Gary, or rather anyone for that matter. I can feel everything, this is so so embarrassing.'

"Who's in here?" Mrs Peabody squawked out.

"I-it's me miss, Eden. I was having trouble getting to sleep so I thought I would have a quick shower to relax myself." The smooth lie left her lips as she pressed her heated cheeks against the shower wall.

"Ah okay, dearie. Please do be careful not to slip. Try not to use all the hot water either, it's so steamy in here! I can't see a thing in here."

"Will do miss, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Eden." The older woman's raspy voice replied, dreariness evident in her words.

The two teenagers waited, silently and nervously. The clicking of her heels became more and more distant as Mrs Peabody left the bathroom. The moment she heard the door close, a thankful sigh escaped her lips.

"Who even has a last name like Peabody?" Gary questioned, breaking the ear-deafening silence.

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