Chapter Forty-Seven: Head Boy and Girl

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Classes were over for the day. The last period bell had rung just five minutes ago, and yet the lively hallways and classroom all had turned eerily silent. Gone was the scent of sweat and cheap perfume, gone was the sound of laughing and chatter. Bullworth Academy was a ghost town. Except for, in a single English classroom. Golden streams of light streamed through grimy windowpanes, dust particles glittering in the rays like flickering sequins. 

These honeycomb streamers danced around the room. They danced the tango on the dusty blackboard, where crusty stains of someone's lunch lingered. They danced a tap dance on the chestnut floorboards, weaving through desk and chair legs until they fell on torn bits of paper and pencil shavings. They danced the waltz on Eden Milenko and Gary Smith. The girl was content, humming a little song. The boy was quivering with excitement, a pleased smirk plastered on his lips as trembling fingers rest on her chest. 

A quiet little pop came from her shirt. Pinned to her chest was a shiny little badge with 'Head Girl' engraved meticulously. It matched the same one Gary wore strapped to his Bullworth vest like a little medal. 

Finally, Eden was someone in Bullworth. Ever since she arrived at Bullworth Academy, she was known solely as the daughter of Ivan and Alyssa Milenko. But now, she was head girl at Bullworth Academy, a title that never crossed her mind for even a second when she walked through those steel gates. It reminded her of who she truly was. Sweet, serene Eden. The girl who at age seven bawled her eyes out uncontrollably in her dad's arms for hours on end when she accidentally stepped on a cat's tail. That girl stood proudly beside her sociopathic boyfriend that she was helping, take over the academy. 'We finally did it. His plan is full steam ahead now.'

"All done," Gary exclaimed, watching with glee dancing in his eyes as Eden hopped off the desk. "Congrats, moron."

"Congratulations to you too, my love." Despite the quick roll of her eyes, she pressed a quick kiss on his lips.

The cocky smirk slowly evolved into a little, soft smile. Glassy chocolate orbs gazed down at her, hiding the emotions he so desperately wanted to pour out. He had finally done it, with her help. They did it. Gary's plans were only a few days from coming to fruition now, a maniac scheme that would end in the demise of James 'Jimmy Hopkins'. Just the mere thought of crushing Jimmy down into a pulp and having him watch helplessly as Gary rose to become king of the school - made him weak in the knees.

This was a monumental win but there was still so much the sociopathic mastermind had to do. The crown was his.

"I need to go check on Gord and those other jockstraps, I'll see you later okay?"

"Wait, Gary." Eden stepped forward, catching his hand before he could scamper off. "I was kind of hoping we could do something later?"

"Do something? Like what?" His mind flickered back to the cluttered mess he left behind on her desk, piles and piles of plans and schemes lying there, waiting.

"Go out together..."

The whisper came out so softly yet the second her words fell upon his ears, his expression turned cold. He whipped around and faced her with a maddening glare, that could put Joseph Stalin to shame. The 'man of steel' was no more, but Gary was a protégé. 

"What? No, we can't, you moron! We just got promoted and the Big Game is tonight. There's more important things going on than going out on some stupid date."

Eden couldn't help but feel crestfallen at his words, heart hammering against her ribcage so hard, it threatened to break free. "Ah sorry, how foolish of me not to realise that I am insignificant in the grand scheme of things. My deepest apologies, oh wise sire."

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