Chapter Sixty-Six: Mania

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The quiet crackling of the fireplace breaking down the cedar logs of wood that lay dormant beneath the simmering flames was the only sound that Derby Harrington wanted to focus on. The vibrant flames that licked up and devoured the measly piece of wood reminded him of Bullworth Academy in a way. Those who were more powerful would prey on the weak, and that was how life should be. This ideology had been passed down from Harrington to Harrington and yet here Derby was, trying his best to ignore the groans and frantic shuffling occurring behind him.

"Do these filthy democrats really need to be here? These peasants are getting blood all over the floorboards - they were polished just last week!" Derby grumbled loudly to Gord, who was preoccupied with gazing intently at his bandaged wrist.

"I know, it is disgusting Derby. At least Eden patched me up after that homunculus Peanut latched onto me." A look of disdain marred Gord's finely sculptured features, as though he was tarnished after being touched by the Greaser.

Derby merely hummed a low tone in response, deciding instead to turn his attention away from the crackling fire and instead to the chaotic scene that was going on behind him. Eden, Mandy and surprisingly enough Damon, were all running around the Harrington House foyer like headless chickens, rushing back and forth barely managing to hold the large bundles of bandages and tape in their hands. His eyes locked onto the evidently stressed Eden Milenko, who had let out a large sigh whilst wiping the sweat that was dripping down the side of her face. She glanced up, glaring with irritation at the harsh downlights overhead. 'It's bad enough that it's summer, but these lights certainly aren't helping in the slightest. Even though it's raining, it is so muggy and stuffy in here.'

The floor was littered with Jocks, Preppies and a few non-clique students, all either wailing profusely in pain or resting their eyes and trying to escape to a realm where such pain doesn't exist. It tugged at Eden's heartstrings to see such a sight and it was what drove her to keep on helping the injured students. If it were the Eden at the beginning of the school year, she would have merely glanced fleetingly at the scene before turning around and walking away. She was a changed woman, and she loved it. However, her mind was in another world entirely, focusing on a single thing or rather, a person. 'Where is Gary? Is he fighting Jimmy as I think this? Is he hurt? Oh please, let him not be hurt. Is he going to be the next person walking through the doors of the Harrington House? Or worse, is Jimmy going to be dragging him in?'

"You've got new patients!" A familiar voice announced in a heart-stopping holler, promptly earning him the attention of everyone in the room.

'Speak of the devil, and he shall pop up.' Eden immediately whipped around, her eyes locking onto the proud and confident Jimmy Hopkins. He stood tall and arrogant in the doorway, a pleased smirk etched onto his lips as students started to file in. 'Is he here?' The tall girl stood on her tippy toes, her emerald eyes blazing as they peered over the sea of Greasers and Nerds that were all stumbling and trudging into the Harrington House. She let out a sigh of relief, a thankful smile growing on her lips. 'He's safe, for now at least.' The new arrivals of the Harrington House all left muddy footprints in their wake across the finely polished floorboards, as well as pieces of grass and splinters of wood. Eden could faintly hear Derby hissing to Gord about how dirty the floor was now. She did not doubt for a single second that he was seething with rage and probably already phoning his 'daddy' to ensure that the floors were to be repolished tomorrow.

Eden's eyes flickered over to her two fellow stand-in doctors, Mandy and Damon. Mandy appeared to be fizzed out and completely drained of energy as her eyes trailed over the flock of students. She groaned noisily in annoyance, making sure to be heard before jogging in the direction of the storeroom. As she passed by Eden, she grumbled something along the lines of 'stupid school' earning a quiet giggle from the taller teenager.

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