Meet Rodger

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"Rodger you always coming in late and I'm not standing for it. You treat me like you don't even care about me!"

"Yooo .. Sasha chill you doing too much. You coming up in here early this morning tripping and shit." She smacked me with the pillow storming out. I chuckled shaking my head, Sasha was someone I messed around with on occasions while I was in New York. She was a sweet girl she just wasn't for me.

My phone started buzzing catching my attention. "Hello?"

"Nigga you sleeping and it's money to be made!" I laughed, Gerom was my right hand man and bestfriend since college days. "Where you at?" I peeked out the blinds seeing him waving his hands around. "I'm be out." I grabbed my bag and other stuff going for the door. "And don't come back!" She spat but I ignored it going down the stairs.

Women weren't my forte in college and it sure wasn't now. I had gotten so use to being by myself and not having female attention that it didn't bother me when they left. "Wassup?!" Gerom had his hands up and out making me laugh.

"So we doing this shit?" I nodded my head hopping in the back of the car. "We need to handle this before we shoot to Houston."

"Yeah we do and we gone do allat, patience my brotha." I shook my head, I didn't have patience and it time wasn't on my side. We had to make a huge drop tonight and it was going to cause a lot of unwanted attention from other gangs and potentially a war. "Man I'm ready to get out this cold ass weather, I don't like this shit." Just looking at the snow out my window made my skin crawl. I was tired of coats, fur, and shit the summer was calling my name.

"Ready to see your sister too." "Yooo!" I smacked him up side his head looking at him stupid. "Stay away from my fucking lil sister." He laughed it off but I didn't like my homies mentioning her. We stopped at the warehouse getting out and going inside.

As soon as the doors open a load of questions hit me left and right from my workers giving me a headache. "One at a time!" I yelled hushing them. My tech guy stepped forward with his little tablet in hand. "My man, wassup?" He chuckled nervously letting me know it was some real shit going on. "C'mon." I grabbed him by the shoulder pushing through the small crowd and to my office.

"Wassup man?" I hung my jacket on the door taking a seat. "There's .. uh, been a breech."
"What you mean a breech?" He cleared his throat adjust them ugly ass glasses I told him to get rid of. "The breech came from the west wing, I caught two guys on camera but I can't make them out." He handed the tablet to me. As I sat and watched my shit being ram shacked my blood boil. "How the fuck this happen? We got all this fucking security for fucking what?!" He jumped in his seat making me quiet down. He was so timid and shy just like me in school that was the only reason I felt for him. "Uhm I don't mean to tell you how to run your business sir but I think it was an inside job."

I nodded my head thinking the same damn thing. "Yeah you might be right. I have this shit locked down like fort knock and all of a sudden my shit comes up missing." He nodded his head nervously agreeing. "Who was on watch that night man?"

"Uh Jessica has the logs I-I will get them to you." I nodded my head and like that he was running out the door. I massaged the bridge of my nose disappointed that I might have to kill a motherfucker. All people have to do is watch my shit but clearly that was too much to ask for.

"You good?" Rom peaked his head in the door before coming in. "Hell no ain't shit okay!" He closed the door. "Man some niggas fucking stole from me and this shit gotta be an inside job." I tossed the tablet at em' letting him watch it.

"What the fuck?" He threw the tablet to the side pissed as well. "You damn fucking right it's an inside job, ain't no way in hell they walking away all good with our shit without anybody noticing." "That's what I'm saying bruh." I flopped down in my seat trying to cool the hell off.

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